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The next generation could go down. The PS3 was crazy expensive, and then the PS4 cost significantly less than the PS3 had. So, there’s precedent. Adjusted for inflation, the ps3 was even more expensive than the ps5 pro.


I feel like this pattern of people lying to doctors and doctors adjusting things to account for it really messes with rigorously honest people.

A little while back I was reading how when they ask you how much pain you’re in, with 10 being the most pain imaginable, they pretty routinely have people calmly say “12”. So, if you’re actually using the scale where you’ve probably never experienced more than a 9 and would be sobbing at an 8, so you say 7, they automatically assume you’re in basically no pain because you said less than 10.

Kind of wish we could just speak accurately and take each other literally instead of playing games where we try to figure out exactly what lie to tell to convey the truth, but I guess that’s not how most people are wired.


It’s always good to support the original publisher and encourage local libraries by reading a hard copy, so I could never endorse piracy, even for people who can’t get their hands on a physical copy. Even though it’s true that both libgen and annas-archive have ebook copies of this particular book (and can easily be found via google), I could never in good conscience direct anyone to such a site.


this was in 2015 btw
not that it’s super important, just in case someone reads it as a contemporary news headline rather than fun historical trivia


Every time I hear this observation, I automatically hear Jim Carrey’s voice in my head saying “It’s dead people laughing! Those people are dead!”

I guess he said it in the 1999 movie Man On The Moon and the line has somehow been permanently lodged in the back of my brain for the last 25 years


Are you set on using light sources, or would you be okay with a shader that just creates the shadows without checking for specific light sources? It looks like this might do what you want, but you might need to modify it to work with your exact use case (multiple z levels).

Generally it seems like some kind of shader might be your best option, it seems like the 2d lights are intended for casting lights within a given z level rather than between them. If you want more complex shadows across multiple z levels, you might need to create your own light objects (just a position, color, and intensity) and pass them to a shader that does something similar to the linked example, but modified based on your lights list.

It’s possible there’s a simpler way that someone else could chime in with (I’m pretty new to godot), but as far as I can tell the built in 2d light and shadow systems aren’t designed for different z levels, so you’d need to use something else.


Sweet vegetables. Anything that is unambiguously a savory main course plant, but has some sugariness to it. Peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, turnips, beets, etc. I can eat them, they’re just even more work than most food (I agree with the other commenter who said that food in general is just a chore like brushing your teeth, although really good food is basically a neutral experience for me, where the enjoyment is about worth the effort)

Oh I guess now that I think about it maybe there are exceptions, like I think a lot of people would consider red onions sweet but I am fine with those. I think it needs some sourness or sharpness to offset the sweetness, the problem is if it’s just sweet + savory and not much else.


Heh, I just posted a comment without reading the others first, in which I said something very similar about taking a long time to “come up with 2 sentences”. I was briefly wondering whether to write “two” or “2”, so it’s funny seeing the same wording pop up in another comment.


Lol, the timing of this is pretty crazy. Today is a big milestone birthday for my brother, and texting him some birthday wishes is my major task for the day (you know, the thing where, as long as I do that, I have completed today, even though there are other things I will hopefully be able to do, but might not because the main task might take all my energy).

We live pretty far apart, and I don’t have too clear an idea of his current interests, and his job doesn’t leave him with a lot of spare time. Usually I buy him a digital gift of some kind (ebook, switch game I think he’d like, etc) and send a happy birthday email that’s like 2 sentences that I spend all day composing in my head. I haven’t figured out what to get him this year, but also, for my birthday earlier this year he just texted me instead of buying me a steam game I’ll never play, so I’m sort of taking that as a signal that it’s okay for me to do the same (I’m relieved, rather than offended - I’m totally fine with not receiving any particular birthday greeting or gift myself). I ran that idea by my NT mom, and she agreed that that sounds absolutely fine.

So I guess I’m about to text him something like “Happy xth birthday! Hope you’re having a great day! Any big plans to celebrate the milestone?” And then have a brief back and forth on the basis of his response. “About to” here meaning in the next few hours I guess.

On the topic in general, I run into this with Christmas presents as well, who to get presents for at in-person gatherings of various sizes, or for close family that live far away, etc, and what to give them.


What’s the most you ever lost on a tumblr post?
