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GenX here. Kids enjoying doing kid things even if we don’t understand why they do that hurts no one? Keep it up, kids. You’re doing fine. No cap.


The Twitter cofounder previously backed the Tesla CEO in his takeover of the company but walked back his support earlier this year, telling a member on rival social media platform Bluesky, "It all went south.”

Did it Jack? You got to unload a limping dog for top dollar.


Well crap, are there other companies I need to add to my list along with “Goya” for "never going to buy their products again?


Future Martian geologists. “This rock has no business being here. There must have been a glacier at some point that moved it here.”


The lengths people will go through to stop something that hurts nobody, but helps many always astounds me.

I have to credit some rando Redditor for the insight that helped me understand why these people do this. I’ll paraphrase because I can’t remember the exact prose.

Nearly all actions of Conservatives can be explained by their two implied core principles:

  1. All policies are zero sum. For you to gain something means I am losing something.
  2. There is a naturally occurring societal class-based hierarchy system, and you are required to stay at your level, never rising.

So the reason conservatives oppose student loan relief applies to both rules.

  1. If student loan borrowers are having debts forgiven (they are getting something) that MUST mean the conservative is losing something.
  2. If they had to take loans for school because they couldn’t afford to pay for it outright, then they should stay in their economic station. Forgiving these loans may allow them to advance beyond their current class, which cannot be allowed.

“I certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally,” Vance said in the episode, explaining why regulating abortion at the state level wouldn’t work. “Let’s say Roe v. Wade is overruled,” he said. “Ohio bans abortion … you know, in let’s say 2024. And then, every day, George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately black women to get them to go have abortions in California. And of course, the left will celebrate this as a victory for diversity.”

J.D., abortion is legal in Ohio because voters put it on the ballot as a citizen lead imitative. We got reproductive freedom (including abortion) written into our goddamn State Constitution because our republican “representatives” continuously refused to listen to the will of the people.


But how can they _assumef that I can even afford a cab, well Uber these days, when I’m about to have them hundreds of dollars getting my busted-ass, POS car fixed?

Because they’re not your parents, and its not their job to be responsible for you between the time you give them your car and when they contact you to tell you its ready for you.

The shop’s statement of “you can come back in 3 hours to pick up your car” isn’t saying “we know you have other resources for transportation during the time when we’re working on your car” its the shop using a social shortcut to say “your car is unavailable to you for 3 hours while we work on it, and we have no need of you until then. You can go away for 3 hours and it won’t interfere with our work”.


From one of the linked articles:

“Eva Goodman, 15, attended King’s court earlier this week with a nonprofit on a field trip.”

I’m guessing that non-profit is done exposing kids to courtrooms now even as simple observers.


I remember when I was growing up, tech industry has so many people that were admirable

Perhaps you were too young to understand who these people were:

  • Bill Gates dominated the PC world with aggressive business tactics and vendor lock in.
  • Larry Ellison bought up his competitors and jack up prices on databsae products owning the industry for more than a decade.
  • Steve Jobs lied and cheated his investors, his family, and his closest friends to benefit himself.

Tom was a good guy, but possibly because he took his fortune and left tech. There were very few admirable leaders.


Are conservatives activists so concerned with information related to living under Nazism because they don’t want young people to be able to recognize the steps if those steps occur to young people today?
