

5 posts • 3 comments

Octt just saying things an average daily Octt would say.

Ⓜ️ Mastodon: @octo@mastodon.uno

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Direct message

Based instance admin, based project admin, and based project developer


I already use Termux and SSH to administrate my server, sometimes I use nano to edit small scripts, but as I said, I don’t really like it… and vim for me would be even worse :c
As far as a terminal text editor goes, there are some which I would like to try but haven’t already. One of them if mcedit (included in Midnight Commander). I probably should try to use it as my main editor for a while…

Another problem of using just the terminal is that multitasking is not easy. Either you use the tab feature of your terminal emulator, which when using SSH is not really a good idea, or you’re pretty much screwed. I don’t know of any terminal multiplexer/wm that is not too focused on having so many keyboard shortcuts, I would like something with maybe a taskbar at the bottom and that’s it, you switch between consoles by clicking that (or using one simple shortcut).

But, yes, the idea itself of keeping stuff onto one server and just remoting into it seems good. I just need to find a software stack for that that I really like.


The future looks grim. What smartphone am I supposed to have in the coming years? Even if my current one never breaks beyond repair, at a certain points all the apps I need will have become too slow or even incompatible. Personally, I can’t just use a 10 year-old version of my favourite web browser, messaging app, or the likes, and I need at least the basic freedom of having root privileges.

And by the way, this doesn’t only apply to smartphones, the situation has far worse implications. The PC transition from x86 to ARM will happen, slowly but it will happen. ARM has countless benefits which I advocate for, but the fact that it is a customizable architecture (there are countless ARM chip producers, every one of them making chips that are incompatible with competitor ones), mixed with the fact that OEMs don’t have to release sources for their SoC-specific blobs, is a recipe for the disaster of closed platforms.

You will be stuck using Windows on your shiny ARM “PC” with locked UEFI bootloader (and even if those remain unlocked, someone will have to spend time and effort to port other OSes to each specific computer, like you see today on smartphones with custom ROMs) and you WILL be happy. Unless you want to spend an high price on some low-end hardware sold by companies that unfortunately, to survive with selling open hardware, have to come to this compromise.
