Apparently is using hls.js for playback and it’s not supported on iPhone?
My biggest complains with Ubuntu lately are Firefox is a snap package and when it updates it yells at me to close Firefox so it can update it and if I wait too long it forces the it closed, and it gives me countdown notifications. Annoying and something out of Windows 10 forced reboot type shit. The other is the automatic apr upgrades break cuda/nvidia drivers forcing me to reboot the whole system. Pain in the ass.
This is exactly what a large languages model (LLM) could help translate. It would be amazing to train a LLM on this and all other languages and see if it can learn to translate it.
For anyone interested in more information about Laugerie Basse and the artifacts they found.
That’s pretty fascinating but seriously instagram? 🤮
And this has to do with 3d printing how?
If implemented please give a way to disable
Pretty interesting mods. I enjoyed watching it, thanks for posting.