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Das ist genau mein Punkt. Warum sind für dich alle “politisch aktiven Kurden” automatisch PKK??

Die PKK ist in Deutschland als extremistische Terrororganisation eingestuft. Wer dahin auch nur verdachtsmäßig Kontakt hat, hat in Deutschland kein Anrecht auf Asyl.

Man kann sich sehr gut gegen die Erdoğan Regierung engagieren ohne der extremistischen PKK anzugehören oder nahe zu sein.

Du sagst auf der einen Seite, das nur politisch aktive Kurden Asyl in Deutschland bekommen (was an sich richtig ist) aber gleichzeitig, das die dann ja alle PKK - also extremistische Terroristen sind.

Das wiederspricht sich zum einen und ist ausserdem ein ungerechtfertigtes Vorurteil.

Hast du überhaupt mal nen Kurden getroffen? Wenn ja, würde ich dir raten, den mal nach der Situation der Kurden in der Türkei zu fragen. Wenn nicht, kann ich dir gerne ein paar Tips geben, wo du das tun kannst.


he had sent text messages pledging to “fucking murder” shoplifters outside a Chicago pharmacy before later shooting two people to death during racial justice protests in Wisconsin in 2020.

That was before he went to Kenosha.

And honestly, we all knew he did it on porpouse. This is nothing new. Blowing this up and giving it more attention just furthers the right’s hero worship of him.

More attention makes it worse. It makes him an Icon and martyr for the white supremacists.


And that’s exactly why we shouldn’t give him attention and media space.

He is a “right-wing darling” because of articles and documentaries like that. He is triggering a negative reaction from the other side and that’s why he’s hailed a hero by the right.

More attention makes it worse.


I watched a documentary about swapped twins in Colombia The Accidental Twins.

2 sets of identical twins born in 1988, one pair in rural La Paz and one pair in Bogota. One of the La Paz babies wasn’t well and was sent to a hospital in the capital, where the mistake happened.

They grow up as fraternal twins, because they are not very much alike. 20+ years later they somehow run into each other through friends.
Imagine someone tells you “Hey, I met this guy who looks exactly like you” and you check out this guys social media and there are pictures of the guy, looking like you with another guy that looks exactly like your twin brother.

Seriously, such a wild story. Super interesting and heartbreaking at times.


Once upon a time, I was working briefly in a catholic hospital, a childrens and ob/gyn no less.
As I started there, I was looking for the standards of care. All of my other workplaces had folders and folders of these standards outlining common tasks and problems in the field and how to treat them. A common tool of quality management.

The only one I found was on how employees should act and behave in case of accusations of mistreatment and sexual abuse. Against anyone affiliated with the hospital or church. Who is to speak to involved parties and press and what employees are (not) allowed to say and do. Nothing about how to treat or help the patient. Only about keeping harm away from the institution.

Should have left right then and there. But I only made it 6 months anyways.


Why is this waste of space still in the news? And a documentary? Seriously? Can we please ignore him going forward and let him be forgotten, unimportant and inconsequential in a hole, like this litte rat deserves?


So we know who to blame if its close and democracy goes to die in a Mar-a-Lago shitter.

Thanks for the disclosure.


Thank you. I always needed more support than these light and lacy bras can give you, so I was always going for more sturdy ones. But I don’t think I ever owned a sportsbra, so your commemt had me stumped. Maybe its time to get one and test it.
