

9 posts • 3 comments

I’m also @nicerdicer@feddit.de

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I didn’t know. I thought it was some old painting which depicted something in a totally different and unknown context, like so many others in this communtiy. It is never too late to learn.


Stell dir vor, es ist Europameisterschaft, alle träumen vom nächsten Sommermärchen und es gibt nichts zum Grillen! Für Millionen Menschen in Deutschland ein echtes Horrorszenario, das tatsächlich eintreten könnte.

Boah, schlimm. Und alles nur, weil keiner mehr arbeiten will! Dabei kaufen wir doch schon alle beim regionalen Land-Metzger, wegen des Tierwohls und auch wegen der Arbeitsbedingungen. /s

Wenn es einem so wichtig ist, Fleisch zur EM parat zu haben, dann könnte man dieses ja auch vorab kaufen und einfrieren. Oder man erweitert mal sein kulinarisches Spektrum und probiert etwas neues aus. Mittlerweile sind vegane Alternativen ja ganz passabel geworden.


You will not be able to connect it directly to a computer. In marketing, this will be to meet rigorous water safety standards.

Making devices water-proof is also a marketing scheme to avoid replaceable batteries :

Some manufacturers are already eyeing an exemption for batteries used in “wet conditions” to opt out electric toothbrushes and possibly wearables like earbuds and smartwatches. The exemption is “based on unfounded safety claims,” states Thomas Opsomer, policy engineer for iFixit, in Repair.EU’s post.

Despite the coming up regulation on batteries and waste batteries by the EU Council batteries in water-proof devices will probably be exempt from being replceable, because the water proof feature of the device cannot be guaranteed. This undermines the right to repair and manufacturers can hope that customers replace their entire devices soon. Making phones water-proof is a loophole to seal off the device so that it is not to be repaired, at least without keeping the water-proof features after repairing.
