It is naturally very complicated in Germany, it is Germany after all. Some Bundesländer have globale Vorgaben, others leave it to the Kommunen. But it is normally part of a Bebauungsplan, also in cities. It is oftentimes a flexible concept though. Here a little start into the toppic.
70%… This is insane. A country that cannot “afford” genearal public healthcare. How is there no revolution happening in the US?
Man, I wish he’d leave the communication to someone else. He is so, so bad at it. And this isn’t the first time
The way he attacks critics puts himself in a bad light. But much more importantly, I read this and am still unsure if he has administrative/legal reason, security reasons or political reasons…
If I’d work in Russian propaganda, I’d love this so much. Hope this will not cause disruption in the community.
This is insane.
From Germany: huh? Quite common around here and I am sure in other european countries as well, despite having different city building concepts than the US. Lately it is slowly being replaced by bike infrastructure demands (and there was always the public transport demands), but it still exists.
It is actually worse. It confirms the right wing standpoints and thus leads to a general societal swing to a more right-leaning worldview. This is basically what framing is. You can see this very well here in Germany, were basically the whole political spectrum nowadays presents views that would have been considered far right just 10 years ago.
Difficult to assess this info without knowing how the data was created.
Reading about it I am not completly convinced that he is innocent, but I think that there is 100% plausible reason to doubt that he is guilty. This should defintly be enough to stop an execution.
Edit: Maybe read the whole statement before getting a rage fit? I said he shouldn’t have been killed. I am also not moderate and (according to US standards) I am apparently not white as a muslim turkish person.
When I last entered the US in 2009 they took my fingerprints and a photo. I assumed it to be mandatory.
I also had to “please follow me” to a backroom, but I kinda expected this as a muslim. Met some friendly mexican and pakistani people there, so it wasn’t that bad. I still decided to refuse all business trips to the US from that day on (and avoided tourist travel there as well), as I just didn’t feel safe.