“It’s not like the government is forcing you to buy a car!”
If you live in a city with parking minimums, yes they fucking are.
From Germany: huh? Quite common around here and I am sure in other european countries as well, despite having different city building concepts than the US. Lately it is slowly being replaced by bike infrastructure demands (and there was always the public transport demands), but it still exists.
I’m from Germany too. Is it really?! I had never heard of that. It can’t be a thing inside cities though, can it? I honestly can’t even think of a place where it would make any sense. Surely shops that are located outside dense urban areas would try to make sure they have enough parking space anyway.
It is naturally very complicated in Germany, it is Germany after all. Some Bundesländer have globale Vorgaben, others leave it to the Kommunen. But it is normally part of a Bebauungsplan, also in cities. It is oftentimes a flexible concept though. Here a little start into the toppic.
Yes it’s true. Where I live there is even parking space allocated for storage space. For each 100m² one parking space. Which is truly a ridiculous requirement.
here in sweden from what i can understand we don’t have parking minimums as such, but we have recommendations for how much parking you should have for cars and bikes, which developers generally follow since that means they can just point to the recommendations if someone complains.
however this also means that they don’t generally have more parking unless they actually see a need for it.
Yeah, no, as I read it, you do have some kind of parking minimum regulations, not just recommendations, developers are not free to do whatever they please.
i never said developers are free to do whatever they please, don’t put words in my mouth.
What i said is that we don’t have strict regulations on exactly what parking you have to build, we have guidelines that are generally to be followed. I was just incorrect about how precisely that works.
According to https://www.boverket.se/sv/pbl-kunskapsbanken/teman/parkering_hallbarhet/pbl/lag it’s a bit stricter than i thought, but the law specifically uses the word “skälig” a lot so as to leave things flexible depending on the precise circumstances.
You have to provide a reasonable amount of parking, which by default is specified in the municipal guideline, but there are clearly places here that have very little or even outright no parking so it’s not an absolute minimum. If you can show that your development is designed so people can live without a car then that will most likely be approved.
A while back i saw an apartment listing that specifically noted that there is no parking available for you to rent if you get the apartment, and indeed there are like 6 parking spaces next to the building which contains more in the range of 20 apartments. And this is not some old grandfathered-in thing, this is a fresh new building from like… 2016 or something?