My slavic blood might be showing, but I consume plenty of root veggies. Carrots, potatoes, beets, parsnips, kohlrabis, what have you. Also cabbage. All these are usually dirt cheap too.
I can share one pseudo-recipe, for carrots. A super easy but very comfy side meal: cube the carrots, put in some (not too much) water with salt, cook for like 15-20min. Throw in green peas (frozen or canned), then add some potato starch (preferably by premixing it with water before adding it to the cooking pot so it doesn’t clump). Stir vigorously to make sure the water gets a nice creamy consitency. You can add herbs like marjory too. Very tasty, sweet side for savory dishes.
Kind of a silly one, but for me it was some reddit meme thread. It was a joke about arch linux, and a person jokes “if somebody uses arch and is vegan, which will they say first?” and then somebody mentioned that “I’m vegan btw” is a common joke on r/vegancirclejerk. I went to that subreddit and started reading, it was hilarious, but I also felt my cognitive dissonance grow with every post. Took me like a week or two and I decided that I am a fucking hypocrite and need to make a change, because what I am participating in is seriously wrong and I can’t continue like this.
I asked my partner if she would be cool if we tried out veganism, and turns out she has also been thinking about it lately, due to a vegan coworker that inspired her. So we then went vegan at the same time and it’s been almost 4 years of that now.
Also similarly to hamid, all the vegan marketing felt super off to us which made us do the additional plunge into WFPB with none of the weird substitutes.
Autumn is starting where I live. It sucks, my least favorite part of the year. Late summer is cool though
I really liked deez nutz