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It’s only a civil lawsuit - these usually take time.

Note that no one has been criminally charged in this, which is absolutely ridiculous.


As usual, Rep. Jeff Jackson (D, NC) offers an insightful take on how this will play out in congress:

The government won’t shut down.

Instead, we’ll play our familiar game.

In round one, the right-flank will demand various poison pills in the government funding bill in exchange for their support. The Speaker will pretend to agree with them. He’ll even do TV interviews where he loudly tells us how much he agrees with them. He really has to sell how much he agrees with them… because of what he’ll do in round two.

Round two is the Speaker throwing his right-flank under the bus and saying no to all their demands.

There are a few ways he can do that, but the most likely path is that he’ll let their version of a funding bill pass the House and then become dead-on-arrival in the Senate. At which point, he’ll turn to his right-flank and say, “Guys, you know I tried. You watched me try. I did all those interviews where I agreed with you. But it looks like we’re outta moves here, so unfortunately I have to remove your excellent suggestions from the budget bill. Really sorry about that.”

Round three is the right-flank pretending to be upset and going on TV to blast the Speaker for his “weakness” - but in reality, losing this fight works well for them.


Because pretending to be upset on TV is their favorite thing to do, so they won’t be genuinelyupset with the Speaker because he’s giving them an excuse to do it. As I’ve seen many times, this is a group that would rather accept a policy defeat that opens a political opportunity than give up a political opportunity to achieve a policy victory.

So don’t buy the hoopla. Things will get super contentious leading up to September 30th (when the money to fund the federal government runs out), but we’ll get it done.



Eh, theorists just work in units where they’re all 1 anyway. And experimentalists round to to the nearest order of magnitude lol


Robinson is a far right, born again Christian culture warrior. This is newsworthy because it’s extremely hypocritical of him.

But Robinson has used the word “pornography” to describe everything from music and network television to LGBTQ-themed children’s books. During this year’s N.C. Republican Party Convention, for example, Robinson called public school teachers and administrators “all-powerful bureaucrats … who believe it’s OK to feed your children a steady diet of communism and pornography.”

Not that hypocrisy is new to Robinson. He also said

”Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers. It’s about killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down,”

after having paid for his wife’s abortion.

He has said that trans women should be

“arrested” if they go in a women’s bathroom. Instead, he suggests they should “find a corner outside somewhere” to relieve themselves.

He has also said that “some people just need killing” in a speech where he railed against a variety of evil people including rapists, liberals, socialists and communists.

He is thoroughly a piece of shit, and unfortunately there’s a chance he’ll be the governor of North Carolina. With an extremely Republican state legislature (currently a supermajority), he would be able to make life miserable for a lot of people.


The Insomnia Coach App. It’s a completely free app on iOS and Android for tracking your sleep and developing the tools and habits for getting a full night’s rest. It’s a CBT-based app with a sleep diary, weekly training plan, and tools like guided meditation.

Weirdly it’s developed by the US Department of Veteran Affairs, which explains why it’s free and there’s no in-app purchases. Nothing about it is specific to veterans, and it’s one of the most commonly recommended apps for dealing with insomnia.

I can vouch that it helped reduce the frequency of sleepless nights for me, and I’d highly recommend it to anyone unfortunate enough to be dealing with insomnia.


They display correctly for that version of Voyager on iOS.


By not releasing the JFK files Trump maintained this crucial bit of leverage. That’s some 7-D parcheesi right there.

Or y’know, Trump just being a lying POS who doesn’t bother to remember the promises he makes.


Oh my goodness how could I forget he said that, “among” lol?!

In between the horrific rollback of human rights, attacks on the environment, dismantling of international alliances, and erosion of democratic norms, there were also some genuinely funny moments during that administration.


Yeah, I was hoping that maybe back then the term was meant to refer more to the “human race”, so a concern about population growth.

But some quick googling indicates the eugenics-meaning version of the term was coined around 1900. Honestly not a good look for Everett.
