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I’m assuming they meant that they were company phones, and that additionally they were required for any work related MFA requirements.

If that’s the case, it would be YubiKey in addition to, not instead of.

As for the time tracking software, those are often part of a much larger accounting, payroll, and/or HR software suite. Having his team spin up Windows vms, or even have separate older windows boxes somewhere, probably makes more financial sense than not. At least, until they can switch to a more modern suite that has a web portal.


This isn’t reconnaissance, it’s standard airspace incursion and intercept.

Everyone here seems to be a really hawkish as of late, or possibly just having a very poor understanding of international relations.


This company may be dogshit, but seat count is the standard licensing structure for most employee facing business software, including on-prem.

Most business software licensing/CRM tools requires that information to generate a quote, as price will be dependent upon several factors, including volume licensing tiers i.e. volume discounts.

Sometimes, licensing structures are simple enough that an employee or rep might be able to give you a quick ballpark without that information, but that would be the exception, not the rule.

And all of that is assuming that pricing is only based on seats, when there could be a whole lot of other variables that would be required even for their system just to generate single quote e.g. core count, support terms, etc.

To be clear, none of that means anyone should trust, or switch back to, elasticsearch. It’s just a minor peak into the mundane horrors of business software licensing.


I mean, Voice of America is explicitly a state funded propaganda organization used to advance American interests abroad.

I think the confusion most people have is that they incorrectly believe that propaganda means lies , it doesn’t.

Propaganda is information published and used to influence opinions and actions. Doesn’t matter if it’s accurate, or inaccurate, information.

So yeah, VOA is a US government run propaganda outlet. While it doesn’t mean that they’re some dystopian disinformation factory, they also aren’t typically breaking news either, so I would recommend using alternative sources without that baggage.


If alcohol consumption fixed declining birth rates, Japan wouldn’t have an aging population and Russia wouldn’t have been facing a demographic collapse even before the Ukraine invasion.

This isn’t about boosting sex, it’s about being a conservative policy counterweight to opening the door to legalizing medicines derived from cannabis.

My guess is that it’s a result of an internal NJP compromise between center right and hard right factions: only agreeing to allow liberalized medical cannabis policy, if the law also increased the scope of, and penalties for, recreational uses.

But that’s just my assumption based on my limited understanding of Japan’s post-war uniparty government.


Currently, hydrogen production requires more energy to produce the equivalent amount of hydrogen.

Which is why it should not be produced on a fossil fuel based grid, but is perfect for stored portable energy on renewable grids. For example, converting excess wind and solar power to hydrogen fuel.

It sounds like Estonia is on the right track, and intending to leverage their access to water and other renewables to generate “green” hydrogen. This sounds great, I hope they can pull it off.


Yes, you can.

Russia and Turkey have very different political dynamics than China and Japan.

Also, these types of airspace incursions, followed by intercepts, are pretty standard amongst major powers.

It doesn’t mean they’re benign, but that shooting down Chinese planes intentionally as a response, is something you do if you’re willing and ready for the escalation path to result in open conflict, not simply an escalation.


There’s way more history and nuance with the current migration crisis facing Europe than I feel like delving into with this comment, so I’m just going to leave you with a quick note about why you’re being downvoted:

Intentionally trying to capsizing migrants so they drown isn’t the same as “being called racist”. Forget whatever opinions or beliefs motivated these actions, this is attempted murder, at best.

So whether or not your commentary would be reasonable on an article discussing immigration policy, it’s irrelevant to this article. Which again, is about Spanish police trying to drown migrants by intentionally driving their police boat at, and then over, their small dinghy.


We’re not talking about some punch card COBOL machine he jimmy rigged with network access, it’s an old Debian Linux box with SSH enabled.

It’s not like Metasploit would have a tough time finding unpatched vulnerabilities for it…
