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Well then you don’t own your home. With that argument, nobody does. Because the government has the ability to take your home from you, then you don’t own it.

Ownership has granularity to it. You’re failing to see the grey spaces in between, and only seeing black or white.


Most humans cannot enjoy food if they were watching someone starving to death in front of them, let alone knowing that person is dying and they could feed them to save their lives.

Yeah, same for me. But that’s NOT what’s happening, and you’ve let your hyper-altruism cloud your judgement. Nothing I do changes anything that happens over there. So why worry about it? Why upend MY life, and put MY life in danger for it? Normal people don’t do that. You’re a bleeding heart - most people don’t care. That’s just normal humanity.

And again - with the rape argument…what in living fuck? You think I consider myself responsible for what my government does? HELL fuck no I don’t. You have absolutely no effect on their decisions, so why do you think you do? You’ve used Hyperbole to make your argument seem stronger than it is.

It’s simple. Americans have a good life. There’s no reason for them to leave their good life, to go fight for a people who have nothing to do with them.

Again - bleeding heart. You’re so concerned about shit that has nothing to do with your day-to-day life. Shit is far too stressful for me to deal with, I’m busy enough trying to keep my head above water for some middle class gated community bleeding heart to tell me I should feel bad for something I – Have no part of, Have no effect on, cannot change, and that doesn’t affect my life whatsoever.

I find no enjoyment in hurting other people - which is why it doesn’t bother me; Because I’m not doing it! Humanity are a bunch of violent apes, and there is not enough time in anybodies singular life to concern themselves with every fucking atrocity being committed. I’ll be more concerned with helping the homeless in my own country, than shit going on half way across the world because a country allowed a terrorist organization to run rampant.

Maybe Hamas shouldn’t have attacked Israel? – why aren’t you talking about THOSE lives lost? Why aren’t you concerned with the lives THEY have taken? Probably because you’ve been taken by Iran’s online psyop.


But, they could, anything could happen, and then you don’t have that library anymore. Physical is the only way to truly own.

That’s exactly my point. Steam has allowed me to OWN Half Life longer than I would have been able to with physical media. Those CDs don’t last that long. I’m not that careful.

So the balance is “own my own stuff and all the problems that come with keeping it pristine so that it continues to work, taking up space in my house” - or the infinitesimally small chance that STEAM goes belly up. Steam has allowed me to own my games for a lot longer than I could have kept them myself. So the argument of “oh they could go away!” doesn’t really hold any water for me. Especially for games with an online component (which is all of them now) – What’s the use of physical media when the game requires some servers that vanished long ago anyways?


Imagine giving your life up for something that doesn’t affect you. I get the whole being altruistic part, but with these people it goes too far.

You don’t see multi-generational Americans going over there and protesting for this stuff, because they are detached from it. Race doesn’t have anything to do with it.

yeah a true pure-blooded American shouldn’t give a fuck if a genocide was on half way across the world even if their hard-earned tax was directly paying for the salaries and equipments used in those war crimes, and their country weapons were dropping on refugee tents burning hundrends to death in the most horrific ways.

Yeah. Basically. The US Military is the our largest employer. Arming other nations has benefits for us - We still get to fund our military, we still get to produce weapons, and we aren’t risking our own soldiers lives in conflict. Is it inhumane? That’s arguable. On a personal/individual level, yes - on a larger scale, it’s pretty par for the course. I’d argue that the liberties that Muslim countries strip from women, lgbt, etc is a large enough negative that replacing it with a more tolerant one is a net positive.


It comes pretty close to feature parity in terms of ownership. My kids can play my steam library on their own computers, I can play it on any machine I own, I don’t have to pay them any kind of rental fee, and they maintain my software for me.

Only thing I can’t do is what…sell my games to someone else? I don’t do that anyways.


I mean, if you like horrible driver stability; sure. There’s a reason NVidia has like 75% of the market share, and it’s simply because they have a better product. Drivers are more stable, everyone develops for CUDA processing, lots of games only support DLSS for frame-gen, all of the GPU accelerated AI stuff is all NVidia centered, etc.


At $700 you could build a pretty decent PC that would last a lot longer (3060 12gb, Ryzen 5 5600, 16gb of DDR4), and build a steam library that you’ll have 20 years from now. I’ve had the same monitor, keyboard and mouse for an easy 10; controllers don’t last that long. They’re reaching a point where there’s less and less of an actual argument for owning one.


Killing of Turkish woman. She clearly cared more about things going on half way across the world. She wasn’t in the West Bank for the sake of American lives, that’s for sure. Having a citizenship to China doesn’t make me Chinese.


It’s called an advertisement. Why are you seeing them? Are you just over here rawdogging the internet without uBlock Origin?


For bowden there is a benefit.

There is not. I can empirically prove it to you as well. Half of the ‘capricorn’ tubing you get from Amazon isn’t even genuine - yet everyone there is clamoring on about how it made a difference.

Turns out, that confirmation bias and placebo effect share a lot of overlap. I get it, nobody wants to admit they’ve been bamboozled. But hey…stay critical of your observations.
