I did for a while but they made it such a pain to use it that way, so I ditched it and went back to Joplin.
For example, Standard notes was working fine, then one day an update broke my self-hosted setup. When I finally fixed it (it took days), I noticed the editors I used no longer worked either. I got tired of fixing and fighting to keep it working.
Joplin’s editor sucks (on mac), but at least the app reliably stays working and syncing.
I completely agree with his view on this. The literal ‘shattered world’ is overdone and not usually the best way to convey a shattering mind.
To extend the topic in a slightly different direction: I am incredibly annoyed at pretty much all ‘floating islands’ in games where there is a chunk (or chunks) of land floating in front of a backdrop because the dev couldn’t be arsed to make the rest of the damn landscape. I call them “floating in space” games. There are tons of games at do this.
If your game has a good narrative reason for floating islands, or is a strategy or puzzle game that’s played on a board, that’s totally fine, but if there isn’t a good reason for the land to be lacking a completed landscape and is just floating there, I will skip over purchasing or playing those games.
If any minority group was being systemically oppressed, I would absolutely love if the shows and games my children were into included messaging of the problem and how every human is inherently equal.
And you may think your wording is hyperbole, but trans people are actually being exterminated in parts of the world and imprisoned in others, and are actively having their rights and legal identities taken away in the US as well.
People upset about seeing trans messaging are the same people who would say “i don’t care about people being gay but stop shoving it down my throat” when they saw one gay couple kiss on tv that month while also seeing 100 straight couples kissing.
I often don’t like it when customer service people say this to me if I have been waiting to resolve an issue that is the company’s fault, because my waiting is barely a choice; the company screwed up and now I am ‘forced’ to spend time getting it resolved.
Only apologize or thank me when it’s personal and sincere. (The size of the business matters a lot in if the apologies or thanks feel genuine.)
Are you okay having the tables flipped and someone calling you “sis”?
Using male language as the default may not bother you and you may have no ill intent with it, but it does have a history tied to it. A history where women were seen as less than and didn’t have equal rights. Western society still uses male language slang regardless of gender (hey guys, dude, bro, bruh) and it all stems from a history of a patriarchal society. Every time we say, “hey guys” to refer to a mixed-gender group, we perpetuate patriarchy, whether we intended to or not.
Legally and overall culturally, women are still seen as less than and we still don’t have equal rights (e.g. divorce and abortion law).