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3 posts • 284 comments

Programmer and sysadmin (DevOps?), wannabe polymath in tech, science and the mind. Neurodivergent, disabled, burned out, and close to throwing in the towel, but still liking ponies 🦄 and sometimes willing to discuss stuff.

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I’ve seen people use Blender for 2d animation, it’s become kind of a “multi tool”, that should let you integrate it with any of the other features.

For raw 2d animation, Krita has some support, there is also Synfig and OpenToonz. For simple stuff, Gimp works in a pinch.



Currently, attestation and “trusted computing” are already a thing, the main “sources of trust” are:

  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Smartphone manufacturers
  • Google
  • Third party attestators

This is already going on, you need a Microsoft signed stub to boot anything other than Windows on a PC, you need Apple’s blessing to boot anything on a Mac, your smartphone manufacturer decides whether you can unlock it and lose attestation, all of Microsoft, Apple and Google run app attestation through their app stores, several governments and companies run attestation software on their company hardware, and so on.

This is the next logical step, to add “web app” attestation, since the previous ones had barely any pushback, and even fanboys of walled gardens cheering them up.

PS: Somewhat ironically, Google’s Play Store attestation is one of the weaker ones, just look at Apple’s and the list of stuff they collect from the user’s device to “attest” it for any app.


Macs with the T2 could be configured to unlock the bootloader, but from my understanding, the new Apple Silicon Macs (M1, M2) come with the bootloader locked.


I see.

I was going on the fact that the T2 has a “No Security” option for its Secure Boot config, while according to Apple Support the Apple Silicon ones (I don’t have one) only offer “Full” or “Reduced” security, which would still require signing: Change security settings on the startup disk of a Mac with Apple silicon

Dunno how the Asahi folks are planning on doing it, but they do indeed say there is no bootlock 🤔

Update: according to the Asahi docs, I seem to understand that Apple Silicon devices allow creating some sort of “OS containers” that can be chosen to boot from separately from the Mac OS one, and in such a custom container the security can be set to “permissive” limited to that container: Interesting.


If a domain squatter gets it… my money is on becoming either a porn site, or a casino.


I don’t know how you get the impression that this increases censorship.

This tool would simply automate that process.

Well… precisely?

Censorship is any removal of material considered “undesirable”, whether you agree with why it is considered “undesirable” or not.

If you want more censorship of “material that you personally consider undesirable”, then just say so, don’t hide behind some disingenuous “but it isn’t censorship”. Then we can discuss the merits of that classification, and of the means proposed to achieve such censorship.


If only one…

I was going to make fries 🍟, put a couple liters of oil in a wok-like frier 🍲 on the stove ♨️… and a short phone 📞 call later, came running into a cloud of oil smoke 💨 filling the kitchen, and flames 🔥 bursting just as I quickly slammed a lid on it. Take lid off, flames burst 🔥, put lid on, only smoke 💨. PHEW!.. but I wanted fries! So… DISCLAIMER: do not do this!!… got a cinder block, put it in the middle of the kitchen, and veeeeery carefully, with the lid on, took the whole thing with the oil at flaming point, off the stove, onto the cinder block… took the lid off, flames burst 🔥, put the lid on 💨… but I still wanted fries! So… DISCLAIMER: seriously, NEVER do this!!… I took a jug🏺, filled it with water 🌊, and very carefully, started pouring it onto the cinder block under the thing full of flaming oil. A few jugs later, and a lot a steam, and a wet floor, and an incredible amount of luck 🍀 later… took the lid off… finally no fire! So… DISCLAIMER: y’know the drill… veeeeery carefully, I took it off the cinder block and back onto the stove… waited a while for it to stop smoking, poured the fries in… and some minutes later, had freshly made fries!🍟 And a kitchen floor to mop up.

9/10, tasty, with a slight risk of a horrible death and burning the whole house down.

Then, this other time… I was feeling hungry, so decided to make a bowl of pasta 🍝, with some sour cheese 🧀, with scrambled eggs 🍳, with some strawberries 🍓, and some sugar to top it off… only instead of sugar 🍶, I picked the flour 🍶 jug (white is white, right?.. right?)… several minutes of blowing flour off the bowl into the sink later… I said “f it”… added some actual sugar, mixed everything thoroughly, and ate it like that.

8/10, was hungry, raw flour tasted bad, but mixed up together it got kind of masked.

Another time, decided to make pasta, so put a large pot of water on the stove… but was really tired, so set an alarm for 10 minutes, about when it should get boiling (this was on a gas stove without a timer), and went to take a quick nap… something like half an hour later, woke up to a nasty smell coming from the kitchen, ran into it, and of course all the water had boiled off, the pot was getting burned ♨️… and I just overheard a cop 👮 on the balcony in the apartament next door, saying “yes, send the firefighters 👨‍🚒 to…” which is when I jumped out crying "no need!! everything under control!!"😳. They still wanted to see what happened, so had to let them in, show the burned pot… they looked at me with commiseration, “yeah, I know…” I said. Thanked the neighbor for calling for help and excused myself, she still looked pissed. Oh well.

1/10, got no lunch that day, barely got on time for work, but the house still didn’t burn down, and firefighters didn’t have to break in, so that’s something.

And once, I was going to make coffee, fished out a jar from the back of the cupboard, no expiry date, opened it to take a whiff… and just that moment my mom comes into the kitchen, bumps into me, and I get a full snort of coffee. It wasn’t stale. I kept smelling it for a day or two…

4/10, coffee is fine, but everything smelling like coffee, from salad, to cheese, to orange juice, is a bit much.


it’s very handy for the rest of us.

How is it more handy than You can submit URLs for archival just the same, and it doesn’t require user tracking.

I’ve used before, but seeing this I won’t anymore.

EDIT: after some digging (see comment thread) and further consideration… I’m not sure anymore.


actively scrapes articles from behind paywalls, using a bank of credentials it has […] more like sci-hub

I see… not sure I approve, but I see.

use a VPN

That’s precisely one of the issues with EDNS, already described 10 years ago:

  • DNS leaks when using a VPN
  • DNS Cache timing attacks
  • Network scanning
  • DDoS amplification
  • Cache pollution


From the CEO’s reply on YC:

We’re aware of real world examples where nationstate actors have monitored EDNS subnet information to track individuals, which was part of the motivation for the privacy and security policies of


Seems like dropping the originating address is a reasonable action on their part.

Only thing they could possibly do, would be to replace the originating address with the address of the particular DNS resolver in their network, which they said they had 180 of… but that would still reveal your geographic area in case of a VPN leak.

On the other hand, if you don’t care about any of that, why not use Google’s


Maybe nuclear could’ve been better than coal?
