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Many powerful people are pedophiles

Undeniably true

The internet is all bots and shills (Dead internet)

Undeniably true and getting worse every day now

The government is brain washing people (MKUltra)

Undeniably true

UFOs apparently do exist and Congress is admitting it

Undeniably true, were just halfway to the reality of what they are but weird UFOs apparently do exist

The vaccines were not “safe and effective” and many people were maimed and injured for a non-sterilizing vaccine that could never have stopped COVID

Undeniably true. They were saying “safe and effective” before they even knew it had heightened myocarditis risk. The risk to young men in particular is very high and much higher than any risk they faced from COVID.

New world order (globalism) is real and now they openly hold meetings and promote the idea

Undeniably true. WEF just had their meeting. Countries are signing away rights to WHO. Politicians openly used the words “new world order” several times during COVID.

JFK assassination must be shady since they keep refusing to release the final documents on it

Halfway to reality.

The government is spying on everything you do

Undeniably true. There’s a guy in Russia and another in prison in the UK who proved that one already.

Iraq doesn’t have WMDs and we destroyed their country killing millions for some other reason

Undeniably true.

Fluoride in drinking water isn’t safe

Halfway to reality, it’s already admitted now previous studies to prove safety were deeply flawed, and new studies are showing risk of neurological damage.


Meanwhile back in reality…

  • Fluoride in drinking water isn’t safe

  • Iraq doesn’t have WMDs and we destroyed their country killing millions for some other reason

  • The government is spying on everything you do

  • JFK assassination must be shady since they keep refusing to release the final documents on it

  • New world order (globalism) is real and now they openly hold meetings and promote the idea

  • The vaccines were not “safe and effective” and many people were maimed and injured for a non-sterilizing vaccine that could never have stopped COVID

  • UFOs apparently do exist and Congress is admitting it

  • The government is brain washing people (MKUltra)

  • The internet is all bots and shills (Dead internet)

  • Many powerful people are pedophiles

Just a handful of “crazy conspiracy theories” that are all seemingly accepted as true now.
