I’d say it’s time to push the argument that the Library of Congress needs to be preserving games as part of the cultural history of the USA. If the legislative branch won’t abide private efforts then it’s time to make the government do it.
Upskill. I’m not ‘upskilling’ someone, I’m training them.
Happy Valentine’s Day Worf.
Today is a good day to dine. My quarters, 20:00.
But what news of the console legs race?
About how far does this leave us from a usable quantum processor? How far from all current cryptographic algorithms being junk?
How much do you want to bet that they don’t even have a contingency plan to evacuate and secure their inmate population?
Do plants die of old age though? Now that question has been put in my head, I need to know.
Be back in a bit, going down a rabbit hole.
So he’s saying that people who get hit by bullets are losers? Noted.
As an ex-Catholic, I would like to say, fuck the Catholic church. For this bullshit and their many other crimes, moral failings and abuse.