
Tobias Hunger

3 posts • 7 comments

A Slint fanboy from Berlin.

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If you could reliably write memory safe code in C++, why do devs put memory safety issues intontheir code bases then?

Even highly paid (and probably skilled) devs in the IT industry manage to mess that up pretty regularly. Even if it was: devs using memory safe languages make much fewer mistakes wrt. managing memory… so that tooling does seem to help them at least more than the C++ tooling helps the C++ devs.



All build tools are simple as long as nobody uses it. Even CMake was simple before KDE and Co. started to rely on it.

A build tool can be simple, if you use conventions over configuration. Unfortunately that ship has sailed for the C and C++ eco system decades ago… Every project is widely different from every other project out there. Heck, we can not even agree on file extensions for c++ files, let alone a directory structure for project source code to live in or the tooling we want to be available.

So you need to have every little detail configurable… and since all projects are so very different, users will need to tweak all those settings… as the first bigger project adopting abcs will dictate their defaults into your code (where you have not gone with your defaults before).

Seriously, you need a language leadership team that considers tooling as important from the very start or you will not have a simple build tool ever. See rust: There the leaders pushed for tooling from the start. Every rust project looks basically the same because of that. These strong conventions enable the language to have a simple build tool.

C++ is on thenfar side of that. Even in 2020 when introducing modules the committee choose not to mandate even the most basic interoperability features like file extensions. The cmake people had to get several compiler developers to add things to make modules toolable. And even with that effort the meson people seem to say c++ modules are entirely untoolable still.


Rustfmt is not very configurable. That is a wonderful thing: People don’t waste time on discussing different formatting options and every bit of rust code looks pretty identical.


Are they embracing activity pub? I read it is just one guy in the community working in it.

And the vast majority of users are on GitHub, looking for code on there. Having activity pub on other forges will not change that big time:-(


The basics are all the same:. memory, cpus and caches in between ;-)

But rust does approach many things very differently from C or C++. Learning those new approaches takes time and practice.


Watch out: That mindset is what got me into Rust in the first place!

I was so fed up with everybody drowning on about Rust that I thought I need to read up on it a bit so that I can argue against the hype. I am a seasoned C++ dev after all, I use a language that I picked because it allowed for robust and fast code. What could Rust add on top of that?

Well, I have a job working almost exclusively with rust now and do not plan to ever go back.


Maybe you are running Wayland and not X11?
