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PopOS, Mint, Ubuntu are the main ones recommended for new users, just try them out and see what you think. I personally used Ubuntu for about half a year and then moved over to Archlinux and have been using arch for like 4 years now, but arch is too hard for new users so dont try it.


I was also gonna say Elden Ring, have you played other souls games?. The combat in elden ring felt pretty decent compared to other souls games, very fast paced and actually alot smoother than any other because of the jumping mechanics. I love the dark souls games but elden ring killed itself for me with its open world, just didn’t feel fun exploring, and the only places that i enjoyed going through were the few legacy dungeons that were designed like the older games. Repeated bosses, useless gathering and crafting skills, the regular dungeons had the same 4 designs and were too short to be fun and too repetitive in design. Oh and i forgot the quests, screw elden rings questlines tbh they suck, too cryptic in an open world with no guidance

Alot of people really like this game and i dont get it.


I installed NixOS on a laptop and tried to run a steam game and it just straight up didn’t launch anything, went to the wiki to figure out the amd drivers, opengl whatever put like 10 new lines in my nix config rebuilt restarted still nothing works, after about 2 hours i just swapped back to arch and the games launched straight away, so for me it wasnt as easy as you may claim it to be. I also tried it on my desktop before and it was a better experience, but still not great. The nix config file is a bit of a mess of options that you have to dig into wiki pages and searching stuff to figure out how to get some stuff to work
