

2 posts • 13 comments
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if you want to use it but don’t want to buy one directly to avoid supporting them, just buy it secondhand


When you say there are more of course, do you mean there are more than 1-2 heathcliff posts a day? I can’t see them.

Blocking does seem the simple solution if you get tired of seeing them, instead of this passive aggressive post that will just make that comic poster feel like a nuisance.


Looking at the account, they post 1-2 a day, skipping some days. Is that really too much for you? I’m questioning your definition of “dominate” here. It hardly counts as posting “all day”.


I’m thinking about the theory idea that involves a new universe being created every time a decision is made. Like if I flip a coin and get heads, another universe suddenly pops up where I got tails. It would need to create its own energy and mass out of nothing, which would break the laws of conservation.

I’m not super well versed in multiverse theories hypotheses though. It is slightly more probable that when our universe began existing, so did all the other alternative universes, in which case they would all have their own energy and mass. But then there would be essentially no chance that we would have alternative selves like in classic multiverse theories, since each universe would have started from the very beginning of time and evolved on its own path.

Edit: some wording


As in the classic theory idea, that each time a decision is made a new reality is created for each choice? For it to be possible would break our fundamental laws regarding conservation of mass and energy. Where would this alternative universe get all that energy and mass from? It’s possible our current understanding of the law is inaccurate, but it’s extremely unlikely.

0 points

I was diagnosed late, two years ago at 26, exactly like a couple of these women! It took me 8 years of on/off college to earn my B.S. I could never keep my apartment clean and felt so ashamed of how gross I was compared to my peers. I could never finish projects, stick with hobbies, I couldn’t even finish video games (except Nancy Drew lol). My diagnosis was such a relief, a burden lifted.

I still experience bouts of grief, imagining the life I could have led if I was diagnosed at a young age. My younger brother is autistic, and my parents weren’t aware of ADHD symptoms, so they never recognized that I was also neurodivergent. My needs took the backseat every time, because I wasn’t diagnosed with autism I was always expected to defer to whatever my brother needed/wanted. My relationship with my mother was severely impacted by her only caring about what happened to my brother, she didn’t care about my needs.

I remember sobbing in my room at the age of 7, because I realized that my mom loved my brother more than me. She came in and comforted me, reassured me that it wasn’t true, and I thought things would change. They didn’t. Every issue, no matter how small, she would side with him, never me, not once. It led to a lot of resentment towards my mom and brother, me and my dad would “team up” because my mom did the same thing to my dad (who was also later found out has ADHD, among other things). My mom now thinks she might be autistic as well, but my parents don’t have the means to get her tested atm.

My relationship with my mom has improved a lot now that I’m an adult, am diagnosed, and have moved out. My mom has realized a lot of the harm she did, apologized, and is working to change it. My brother, not so much.

I find it extremely difficult to be back home for too long, because my brother doesn’t know how to grow out of this dynamic. He still expects his every desire to be fulfilled no matter how I feel. We have discussed this so many times, each time he says he understands and things do get better for a week or two, then we’re back to square one. I’m tired. I grieve a relationship I wish I had with my brother, I wish we could be close and rely on each other, but I am the only one that gives.

Sorry, wow, this really turned into an outpouring of emotion. I’m really tempted to just delete it all but I’m trying not to do that as often. I typed this all up, I must want to share, I just feel ashamed for some reason.


no, didn’t ask for this just by existing as girl, fuck off


am a girl

get very greasy and acne riddled during puberty

very much not pretty

have embarrassing moments when my period surprised me, bled through my pants onto seats several times

get severely debilitating cramps and have to stick cotton up there several times a day for a week every month

have to deal with this every month for another ~30 years

then get to look forward to menopause

yea wtf is his problem

Also I like long noses and hooked noses, I think they look cool and give character, my husband has one hell of a nose. Women can get hooked/long noses too.


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