

73 posts • 104 comments
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Where was this move when the expanded child tax credits were expiring?


Hear hear, fuck military dictatorships.

Also, yeesh, that headline… Like, I’m sure if people wanted to do a deep dive into this topic the ethnic ties and traditions that are shared by these different rebel groups are important to understanding them and what’s going on here, but would it have killed the AP to describe them as “pro-democracy guerillas” in the headline instead of saving that one for the article and going with “armed ethnic alliances”? You start telling Americans about armed ethnic alliances and they’ll be demanding airstrikes before you’ve finished your sentence.


“International law for thee, not for me!” - US

Under international law, countries have the right to claim sovereignty over areas of the ocean that lie beyond the 200-mile limit, as long as those areas are physically connected to underwater shelves that extend from continental masses. Sovereignty includes control over resource development.

But for the U.S., there is a catch: The U.S. Senate has not ratified the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the treaty under which such claims are adjudicated.


Of course if the Republicans win again the strategy just reverts to “drill baby drill”

Seems like that’s the plan already. Fta,

Crucially, this declaration… focuses on control over the seabed and its resources, including mining and research rights, as well as pipeline activities.

Worth noting that U.S. oil production hit a record under Biden in 2023


So why is the Biden administration doing what Republicans want here? Their name and our party’s name is going to be all over the overwhelmingly unpopular policies and Republicans are just going to keep saying the border’s a problem no matter what we do


A link for that quote would be appreciated.

Because Democrats can’t actually do what needs to be done to solve the root problems of the border issue

They could be doing more to improve things and stop crap like this that makes it worse

absorb the position of Republicans to take the wind out of their sails

I have no earthly idea how you could think this will do that, it’s going to do the exact opposite by making all the people who aren’t really paying attention say “Gosh, I guess the Republicans must be right about this if the Democrats are trying to to pass their type of policies. I guess if we need a Republican approach to solve this totally real issue we should probably get it from a Republican government.”

Biden can still rebuttal in ads and on debate stages, "Oh yeah? I agreed to doing everything and more than what Republicans want

Republicans: “Biden’s lying or has Alzheimer’s, we wanted [xyz crap they make up on the spot] and Biden never offered it.”

Journalists: “Our fact checkers sai-”

Republicans: “Fake news”

Voters: “I like their confidence! And besides, when I think ‘tough’ on the border or crime or whatever, I know that isn’t Democrats, that’s the Republican’s thing! Maybe a Democrat will talk tough when they want to get reelected but they won’t ever really do it, and there is absolutely nothing that can happen to change my mind about this because I don’t pay attention to anything because the news depresses me.”

so what’s to lose?)

If this legislation does pass people will suffer and die

e; trying to be less of a sarcastic asshole


Thank you for the link!

I don’t have time to respond to all of this, but there are a few things I just gotta

This is conveniently ambiguous. What, specifically?

Ask all your federal agencies what resources they have on hand that could be redirected to humanitarian efforts for migrants and asylum seekers, order those resources deployed immediately with an executive order. When federal courts strike it down for a bullshit reason, change one or two superficial details, reissue the order, and again make it effective immediately. Trump did this with his travel bans and showed a determined executive can move a lot faster than oversight.

Exploiting a badly designed system is not an ideal long term solution I’ll admit, but so long as the Republican party continues to exist and make solving those system design problems impossible it will have to do.

Also, ditch the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court with like thirteen new appointments, right after slapping yourself in the face several times for not doing this years ago.

Why would you think that and not, “Gosh, I think Democrats are actually doing a pretty good job and I really don’t want to vote for Trump, and since they seem to be trying to solve the border issue as well which was my chief concern, I really don’t have a reason to not vote for them now.”?

“The border is in crisis right now, but I think Democrats are doing a good job,” just seems like a really unlikely pair of opinions to hold to me.

I also feel like if you’re in a headspace where the border is your chief concern (with things like climate change, mass shootings, healthcare, affordable housing, Russia, Israel, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. all at different levels of crisis), you’re going to be a harder sell on the big tent party.

And just in general, one of the axioms about human behavior I believe is that if you do not like what is being said you need to change the conversation. I’m thinking of those easily swayed moderates when I say our approach should be, “The border? Sure, we want to get funding from Congress to provide needed services there and that’s in process, but what’s driving this migration is climate change, and that’s why this administration has etc.”

You know it’s all bullshit, but you can’t publicly state this because right-wing media propaganda is controlling the narrative.

Because you do not state this right wing media propaganda controls the narrative, imo

but what is the alternative plan – just ignore the fact that a majority of independents view this as a major concern and the border issue (again, manufactured as it is) is now the #1 issue with voters overall? Is that really a winning strategy?

If it’s done with a bit of tact and coordination, yeah. Try not to seem like you’re ignoring it by responding to it quickly, but if you’re giving it more than one or two sentences you’re wasting time that should be spent talking about more important issues.


traumatic brain injuries (eg, football).

This just made me think about a news story I saw a few years ago talking about how the Marines used to use a rocket launcher that gave the troops who fired it concussions and maybe/probably permanent TBIs, and I was just about to comment about how they used to use those…

2018 - “Marines Who Fired Rocket Launchers Now Worry About Their Brains”

2023 -“U.S. Troops Still Train on Weapons With Known Risk of Brain Injury”


We just shouldn’t allow individuals to have over a billion dollars, just 100% tax on anything over a billion when combined assets exceed that number. Both because there’s no good reason for any one person to have that much money and because as pathetic as American campaign finance laws are it’s a legit national security risk for someone to have that kind of money to throw at their pet causes.


how does one plead guilty and still wind up with the death penalty?

Having court appointed attorneys in a shithole state that pays them a flat fee for each case they take, incentivizing them to just get it over with as quickly as possible


Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240409120214/https://www.themarshallproject.org/2024/04/03/execution-missouri-brian-dorsey-fees
