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Hey buddy, I don’t want to alarm you, I had a friend lose their cat very suddenly to a saddle thrombosis - which is a blood clot that can block blood flow to the rear legs and become catastrophic. It can happen suddenly and can cause loss of control of bowels, difficulty in rear legs, panting, expressions of pain from cat - ie meowing or howling. Did your vet mention/ rule this out when you saw them?

There’s a link below which explains it fairly well in layman terms. I hope it’s unlikely, it is very serious and early intervention is important and gives the best chance to your little guy. I’d feel bad having seen what my friend went through and not sharing the possibility with you.



It’s bizarre to non-Americans that their sales tax is only visible when the bill comes. Australia for example has a 10% Goods and Services tax across the board and that is included in the price you see on the menu, on the shelf or in the commercial. The exclusions being goods sold B2B which are usually quoted excluding GST, as businesses can claim GST they pay as a rebate. They know the true cost to their business and keeping tax separate makes it easier to record and track their liabilities from a bookkeeping perspective.


Kept watching hoping to see him make the shot. My god he got close a few times.


I know people are reacting strongly, prob a large US contingent here and that’s understandable. It is a completely different world in the UK. The police don’t carry firearms (specialist response teams do) as they are just not as available to the general public. Knives or clubs/bats are the most common weapon encountered. Even in that context I too find the sentence pretty heavy on the face of it. The article was rubbish at giving anything other than rage-bait. It didn’t explain if there were circumstances of aggravation, does he have form (ie prior same or related offences), were there vulnerable people in the vicinity, which specific charge was he accused with (possessing or threatening with) did he plead guilty, were there mitigating factors that actually reduced his sentence as the mandatory minimum sentence for “threatening with a weapon” is six months, eg did he cooperate, is he a sole caregiver for someone at home etc.

Only thing I’ve walked away knowing is the author of the article seemed more interested in provoking outrage and upping their hit count than demonstrating any investigative nous or journalistic integrity.


Voyager 3: “It’s a funny story actually…”


Hello Australia, which way does the water flow in your toilet. Uh huh. Can you check your neighbour’s, I’ll wait… later that night Aussie kid returns to phone: “hello, sir?” Bart realises he forgot he was even on the call.


I am a simple human, I see Letterkenny, I upvote. …and I suggest you let that one marinate.


I don’t know if that as a theory works out in practice. You never primary a sitting first term President. It would arguably have looked worse if he walked away after one. It would look like the Dems don’t take the office seriously. This way he’s been forced out, which shows how seriously he and the party have wanted to win this one.

This pivot has caught the GOP on the hop, their strategy in its entirety is ad-hominem attacks on Biden. They’ve lost the one play they had as evidenced by Stephen Miller’s melting down on tv on behalf of Dem primary voters (of all people) I’m not certain if Dems had opened the floor to candidates, or even if they’d straight up put Harris at the top of the ticket at the outset, that we’d be feeling as positive and hopeful as the donor base clearly is today. Is America ready to elect its first woman of color President? I’d say we’re closer today than any day in history. 10-12 months of media and bigots doing their thing to angry up the blood and sell airtime to advertisers would have made Hillary’s run look like a picnic at the park. Not to mention the anuswrinkle’s circus and his flying monkeys throwing their own faeces about wherever they go. The primary voters in ‘16 were so pissy about not getting their pick (feel the Bern and co.) there was never united support behind Hillary and in doing so that lack of unity handed anuswrinkle his throne for 4 years.

Sadly I think VP Harris is in for a particularly nasty barrage of that vitriolic, insecure, and ignorant shitshow, but it’s going to be an abridged version. There are only so many minutes and so many column inches between now and November, I think time is on her side.

This happening at such a late date has forced party unity out of necessity. There is no time to complain about the what ifs. The whole party machine has to pivot and consolidate in a sprint for the next 3 months - they’re too busy to do anything but rally. The party operatives are all “in the trenches” together now and this may very well turn out to be the best of all possible timelines for 2024.


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy Mr. Bushhhhhh!
