Hi, I’m Corwin! TL;DR: wordy nerd for MN; lotsa kids, cats, GNU vol.
I’m yet-another-new-user bc Reddit; glad for the mass troop move toward FOSS and federated things, social especially. Over the last few years, I’ve been weaning myself off mass-media social: forgive me, hacker, it’s been (only) three days since my last reddit/twitter/FB post. RE FOSS, I volunteer with some projects like EmacsConf and GNU Savannah. If you are looking to get involved with FOSS volunteering but aren’t sure where you can get started HMU :)
Ahem. Meanwhile, in the interest of full disclosure. About Emacs…
Passion for Emacs has been likened (variously derisively or with found amusement) to religious fervor.
I help with the annual conf, like I mentioned. I make official binaries for Emacs available from GNU FTP servers/mirrors. I help with ERC, one of the IRC clients that ships with Emacs. I’m making an RPG engine for Emacs called dungeon-mode. I feel that this post will be incomplete unless I tell you even more about Emacs right now:
Emacs is a text editor built around a lisp machine. Most of it is implemented in Emacs Lisp (elisp). It can be customized using menus, like a normal program. Or using code, programs full of code, auto-generated programs, self-modifying programs, and so on… such nonsense for a text editor to be doing any of this, of course.
Hopefully, you can see where I occasionally get myself in trouble. Every once in a while I need someone to tell me “no”. To say “Corwin. Oh, Corwin. The X forum doesn’t want to hear about how you integrated X into Emacs.” “STFU about Emacs please Corwin”, And so forth.
TIA if that’s you.
In conclusion, when you are ready to talk about Emacs, find me on IRC
MN; 48/wm/2 partners 17y/5y, 5kids, 5cats. emacs4evah