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The request would be made to the court during discovery and, if it was granted, the test would be done by an independent lab. The department could lose/destroy the evidence before it could be tested but that would likely prevent the evidence from being used at trail and it’s hard to prosecute someone for a drug offence if you can’t tell the jury that you found drugs. Ultimately it’s not a great plan anyway. If they didn’t find any finger prints then the prosecutor will find some “expert” to testify that drug dealers always wipe down their baggies and wear gloves, if they only find the officer’s finger prints then he’ll testify that he accidentally handled it without gloves while logging it into evidence.


If you’re interested in the worst of it you should look up firebombing and why it was so effective against Japan.


The Fat Electrician’s video was great but he I feel left out a couple of things that I think are important to add. First is that he used his influence in the Russian court to advocate for the end of the surf system. Slavery was his primary focus but he actively opposed all forms of indentured servitude and was involved in the freeing of more forced laborers than any other single individual in history. Also he negotiated the purchase of Alaska.

Second is Clay’s Battalion. When the Civil War began Washington DC was undefended and there was an order to evacuate because of fears that Virginia would get soldiers there before the Federal Army. Clay was in Washington to be appointed as the ambassador to Russia and, during the evacuation, he started grabbing men off the street to defend the capital. He organized about 300 defenders and occupied the White House and the Navy Yard until federal troops arrived to take over.


In American politics the “love it or leave it” trope you are using is undeniably right-wing rhetoric. It was first popularized in that form by McCarthy and Nixon as a response to civil rights and anti-Vietnam War protests. It has since been used by Reagan, both Bushes, and Trump primary in response to either protests or immigrants that they believe have not sufficiently assimilated into American culture. It’s also probably the most unAmerican trope currently used in American political discourse. Protest and criticism of government is fundamental to America’s history and identity and is covered by 3 of the freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment.


If it’s like the theater near me the space is for the entrance and stairs. You would come in at the level with the handicapped seating and go down stairs to the rows in front of that and up stairs for the rows behind.


There should be outrage if everyone walks away from this without any real consequences, there was significant negligence and disregard for safety on the movie set and it resulted in a death. This conviction should be overturned anyway. There isn’t even the illusion of fairness or justice when the state is allowed to hide and even destroy evidence as they have in this case. For the state to strip rights and freedoms from a person it is incumbent upon the state to prove that the person has committed the crimes of which they have been accused and to do so in a fair and open process.


He started dislocating his shoulder in season 3 of TNG. O’Brien’s suffering didn’t start on DS9, that just where it reached it’s peak.


I’d suspect the nationality of the individual may play a role.

I’m not convinced. Kevorkian was acquitted 3 times and had one mistrial for basically the exact same thing back in the 90s and US opinion has continued to soften on assisted suicide since then. It’s legal in 10 states. Kevorkian was eventually convicted of 2nd degree murder but that was after he pushed the button for a patient and represented himself in court. Maybe Swiss officials are giving it undue scrutiny because she was American but I doubt that American officials are pushing for this to get any special attention.


Two women’s deaths have been publicly reported on and shown to be attributable to the abortion ban. The actual number of deaths attributable to the abortion ban is much higher.


Missions to secure nuclear weapons happened when the Soviet Union collapsed and the Russian government invited the US in to do some of them. The missions wouldn’t be to take the sites and disarm the weapons, the goal would be to make sure all weapons are accounted for, being properly maintained, and under the control of a government. It would be to make sure the Russian arsenal wasn’t being sold or taken by splinter groups or extremists rather than to disarm Russia. I expect China would be doing a lot more of it than the US if Russia collapsed in the near future but the US as well as UN nuclear inspectors would almost certainly have a role.
