why not have a single global timezone and people change their local numbers.
e.g. if you life in hawaii you stand up at 11pm and if people in russia work until 8am.
[nitpick] could have written a black “シ” in front of the “sh” to keep consistency with the other katakana. Also it looks like a grinning smiley, which is also nice.
People behind ISO 216 thought of everyting
how to make a good standard:
step 1: copy from DIN
Die meisten “Ökonomen”, die man so im Fernsehen sieht, sind Lobbyisten aus Neoliberalen Echokammern. (Die Anstalt berichtet )
Es gibt echte Ökonomen (also tatsächliche Wissenschaftler, die wissen wovon sie reden), wie z.B. den hier