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Das Fediverse kann mindestens genauso viel Drama wie Elon Musk und ist dabei deutlich sympathischer


So you want to unilaterally rebrand Mastodon because Twitter has no bird anymore? Do you seriously think the success of twitter came from the bird, and that bird is what’s missing for Mastodon?

I do think the bird was iconic and contributed to the success of Twitter yes

Birds don’t usually use nests as a hub through which they communicate with others. They also don’t use nests as a social meeting point. They use them to lay eggs in and raise their young there.

Fair point. Although “Instances” is also not a very handy concept. I still like nests more.

There are many issues holding back the fediverse. A lack of birds is not one of them.

I don’t get why along with the discussion of technical issues (which happens plentyful here) there can’t be a discussion about marketing with everybody saying: we don’t have time for this. I think the marketing of Mastodon (not Lemmy, I think the Lemmy branding is really cute) is mostly terrible. And that has nothing to do with thinking like big-corps. Its also part of the user experience and on-boarding. Its too complicated about the things it shouldn’t be complicated about (concept of instances) and doesn’t support people where its actually complicated (choosing instances).


No, they are on different instances.

If you promote the local feed, your posts get attention, which means user engagement. So, user engagement would have a trend to stay in its own instance, which results in bubbles and is certainly not good for discussion quality.

Subscribed feed is great, I have nothing against that. I also don’t have anything against the other two. I just think there should be another one.


No it doesn’t. It addresses a different problem, namely: posts from small instances should be somehow boosted in my feed.

The problem I try to address is regarding posts from my local instance vs. posts from all federated instances. I would like to have a sorting that gives up a good mix here and that would also be in line with admin’s motivations to keep their instances alive. As described here: https://lemmy.world/post/5110168 their chose to promote the All/Explore or the Local feed can be modeled with problem from game theory and can result in admins to choosing to promote only the local feed if they find that the All-feed gives their posts a disadvantage and over long, drains away their user engagement. Scaled sort will not be able to fix that.

(Actually should have written that in the description)


Also was ich damit meinte war eine Erzählung hin zu Transformation. Beispiel für eine grüne transformative Erzählung ist Solarpunk. Eine Welt, in der alle E-Autos fahren, es nur noch erneuerbare Energien gibt usw.

Zentral-organisierte Soziale Medien haben ihre Probleme und wir müssen mMn davon wegkommen. Das geht mir aber zu langsam und deshalb schlage ich eine Erzählung vor, die das ganze beschleunigt, weil Menschen Geschichten manchmal eher überzeugen als reine rationale Argumente auch wenn man da obviously auch vorsichtig sein muss, dass man es nicht übertreibt.


Well, the H.P. fandom stands in the center not Rowling or her books. I think one should differentiate with that.

Also: yes, the books contain antisemitic stereotypes, but Rowling herself hasn’t said herself anything antisemitic to my knowledge. Some of her statemets are transphobic, but the Fediverse has enough room to carry out this conflict.

We are not in centralized social media anymore, where you have to be on the same site as everybody else. If you are on the same instance as a transphobe and you oppose that: change instances. If you don’t want to be on an instance that federates with any transphobe content: change to an instance that de-federated with any of those instances. That’s all possible in the Fediverse.


I think the topic of racism and discrimination needs to happen on the Fediverse if its an issue. However, I’m worrying that your approach is more counterprodctive. I think its fine to ask for proof for the supposed racist culture on Lemmy, because I think every argument needs to have some argumentative ground. I’m against discrimination (which certainly happens on the Fediverse), but I dont think identity politics have come up with productive tools to tackle the issues they point out.


It was an interesting read. I’m willing to do certain parts of that like listening more to marginalized voices. What bugs me though is that basically the text says that we need to disrupt the system, because its racist; but on the other hand, it basically assumes that the system was and always has been racist. And this is again identity politics: based on Focaults post structuralism; societal, liberal progress is a myth, etc. etc. There is no actual believe in societal progress (which I do believe in primarily through technological progress).


Piefed has topics, so different fediverse communities can be viewed through the Fediverse-topic for example
