17 posts • 59 comments
Fascinated with stuff related to free software, modularity/decentralization, gaming, pixel art, sci-fi, cooking, anti-car-dependency, hardcore techno and breakcore
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Geschwisti, schreib doch wenigstens die fünf deutschen Wörter richtig.
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- TDM doesn’t qualify for the open source definition in the previous post. The assests don’t permit commercial use.
- I looked at this WAD and it contains .zsc scripts. I couldn’t find any form of license. That means it’s not open source and you are probably not even allowed to redistribute it.
You can’t put TDM and Ashes in a repo of a commercial Linux distribution.
0 points
Bezüglich CO2 müsste Raubkopiermörderei auch gut sein, weil weniger Ressourcen auf die Durchsetzung von DRM und die Azeige von Werbung verschwendet wird 🤔