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Hey OP, welcher Aussage willst du hier machen? Das die (existierenden) Probleme in Schimmbädern in Ordnung sind weil *einige Deutsche sich im Urlaub ebenfalls unakzeptabel verhalten, oder ist dein Punkt, dass deutsche Medien darüber nicht oder nur im Kontext von anderen Problemen im Ausland berichten sollte?

Edit für *einige statt ‘einzige’


I’m sure not everyone will agree, but honestly, I kind of stopped caring too much. I’ve been using Instagram, Google, Android, Apple, and many other service providers for years and none seems to know a lot about me based on the stuff I see being advertised to me.

None of them seem to have figured out what languages I speak (I get a lot of language courses for English and German, but I’m native in both), what my education level is (I get a lot of ‘study your bachelor or master here or there or online’ despite having two master’s degrees), where I really live (lots of British stuff always, but I live out of Europe), or what my hobbies are (lots of mobile games that I wouldn’t touch with a stick).

Yeah, it seems they get the basics (I’m male, below 35, I am interested in educational stuff), but that could be anyone… And if I can use their services for tree for them to put me in a category with some 10M others, I’m kinda okay
