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Your first two paragraphs are too hypocrital and repulsive. You’re basically braging about being a selfish person incapable of empathy. Most humans cannot enjoy food if they were watching someone starving to death in front of them, let alone knowing that person is dying and they could feed them to save their lives. I bet that has never been your problem because you never felt anything to anyone but yourself.

Your last paragraph is very ignorant because you don’t know that one of the reasons your military is your biggest employer is because those shitty muslim countries are your biggest clients. and if you are happily proud of that as well just because you’re the one getting rich good selling death while others are dying, then I’m not going to waste time with your hypocracy again. You’re a weak soul who can’t even imagine being born in the shoes of those dying let alone if you were one. I feel like arguing with someone who enjoys rape because it feels good to him and he feels no empathy what so ever to the victims “I feel good when I rape people, and I can do it and it has contributed huge pleasure to me all my life. It’s not my problem these victims are getting raped by me.” How tf can I argue with that? Do you want me to sell bombs to your country to bomb your family and cripple them for life while I get rich and feel good in life? That is exactly what you’re saying and I hope one day you realize it


I have a feeling the doctors stopped caring after she passed away from her burns


yeah a true pure-blooded American shouldn’t give a fuck if a genocide was on half way across the world even if their hard-earned tax was directly paying for the salaries and equipments used in those war crimes, and their country weapons were dropping on refugee tents burning hundrends to death in the most horrific ways. Plus, killing a woman who was part of a peacful protest by sniping her in the head is really bad if she had an American passport and was not mix raced, right?

/s dude I hope you realize how inhumane your view point was. Aaron Bushnell, who was not half Turkish, couldn’t live with himself knowing his money was paid by, and that he was part of the same military enabling such bloodshed to continue, and burned himself to death in an extreme act of protest.


iphones cannot temporarily disable apps, cannot prevent specific apps from accessing network, cant spoof live location sharing, cannot even multi-window several apps at once. those are 4 simple examples which I personally find very helpful which all androids can do for more than 10 years already while iphone cant.


Dont get up from Google only to jump on Apple’s balls.
Also your point is not valid because degoogling is possible with androids, but you can’t deapple an iphone. And btw many custom OSes dont require anything google no appstore or nothing. So what you’re complaining about has been solved and already out there


you can optimize your android device battery in ways iphones cant. For example you cant disable or remove any system app consuming your battery in iPhones, but that is instantly doable in Androids


I think even the average users are becomming aware because of how inferior iOS is. For example, all these things I’m going to mention below are doable on any Android (no root or bootloader required) since 2015 or even older versions while iPhone cant do shit:

iPhone cant temporarily disable apps, can’t prevent apps from using networks, cant disable system apps, cant open multi apps in mutli windows, cant location spoof, cant disable any system app or feature, cant customize themes or control anything in comparison.


You have not even touched how limited iOS is compared to Android. I can list over 50 things any 2015 Android can do which iPhone 16 can’t. You basically have no control over anything in iPhone while in any Android even without rooting you control what every app access and how it’s allowed to work or at all. I was not even referring to customized OSes like graphene or calyos which give higher level of control.


“Vote blue no matter who”

Sadly this is true, but it’s more true and worse with the right.

I personally hate tucker, he is a scummy hypocrite puppet, and I personally hate the right and disagree with most of their selfish policies which often serve selective class, corporations or entities… but imo Tucker’s statement was right here. If he wasn’t, the US would have more than a two-party system. The DNC snupped Bernie in 2016, and pretty much forced him to endorse Hilary, the opponent who conspired against him and had vastly different stances on almost everything he campained for, and made him sell “vote blue no matter who” while conceding and pretending it’s the same as voting for Hilary. If this was not true, he would’ve been able to fight and speak out.

With that being said, the right do the exact thing 10 times worse. Their main strategy is to oppose the left and block every proposed senate bill by them just because. The GOP is also full of senetors who opposed Trump then endorsed him and again it’s all because of the two-party bullshit
