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You see all of the electric cars on the road now? Tesla saw an opportunity to make money, and it paved a path to lower carbon emissions (eventually). Even the blind chicken catches a worm. Capitalism isn’t all bad, it’s the greed it breeds that’s bad. The world isn’t black and white.


I don’t think he fooled anyone. The guy was literally helping the environment and advancing the space age. Then he started using drugs and went off the rails. He’s like Kanye. His music was good, the creator just went nuts.


The Whig party just blocked access to the internet for anyone who has been convicted of a crime.

The Central Eastern states have declared today national Electrification day after winning their war on oil.

I Love Lucy just reached #1 on the Blockbuster top 100. And sadly, Jimi Hendrix just passed away at the ripe age of 81 after a long and prosperous career.


There is a balance between give and take in every relationship. Even the best person in the world can become comfortable if you’re giving 20ft, while they only have to give 5.

The way you speak about YOU changing for them, and the overall tone of your (light on tangible details) post, points to some insecurities in yourself. The people you’ve dated might have been taking advantage of it, even if unconsciously.

I would take some time to really love yourself and stop questioning all of the beautiful things you do for your mate. Your love language is actions, similar to my spouse, but you can’t do all of the work.

You might find that drawing your boundaries comes a lot easier once you understand and truly accept that you’re worth it and valuable without having to bend over backwards. At that point you’ll likely stop attracting the wrong kind of person and your taste will become more discerning once you start to see the patterns of imbalance.

My advice: Really think about your principles and what you believe to be fair in a relationship. Write these down and repeat them. Example: 1. Housework should be split (not necessarily even) where your time is valued as much as theirs. 2. Your acts of affection need to be acknowledged, if not 100% reciprocated in kind. 3. I will not keep working harder on the relationship in an effort to hold onto someone who is distant.

Respect yourself, find someone who really appreciates you not just for what you do for them, but for how you are together. Don’t lose hope. You may have been unlucky in your selection (or unconsciously chose unavailable partners), but your future doesn’t have to repeat. There are good people out there. Good luck.


That value was increased initially through usage as countries adopted ATMs and online retailers accepted bitcoin. This obviously reduced the supply due to increased demand. Then the speculators started buying it up making it even more scarce.

It has a fixed amount. It’s normal to rise in value as it becomes more useful for either transacting, holding value, or making money through speculation. You can’t compare it to a 300 year old dollar which was unpegged from gold and has the US economy/government backing it now.

The dollar is also manipulated, but the effects are less pronounced due to the sheer amount in circulation around the world. Some of the effects are also thrown on other economies through the Forex markets too. If bitcoin were as ubiquitous as the $, it wouldn’t be easy to manipulate either. It’s like having your own coin with only 100 physical coins in circulation. All someone has to do is buy a bunch and refuse to sell and the value rises for the uninformed.


No tech is perfect. And the current bitcoin is not the same as the original client. It has been modified to allow for abuse and control. The fact that we allow this to take place is more a reflection of our governments aiming to control it than any inherent property of the currency.

Big banks would have far less control if you couldn’t print sanctioned currency to buy as much bitcoin as they want to play with the value set by sanctioned exchanges.

I agree that bitcoin is capitalist like most monetary bills in a free market. I disagree it’s more capitalist than what we have now. It’s just being propagandized and veiled from the underlying technology to make it seem so.
