

4 posts • 48 comments
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I’m kind of prude before I get to know someone. I can recall at least 5 times my friends tried to push a girl from the bar into my cab because they thought it was funny I didn’t want to take them home.

Just imagine the reverse situation. It’s the same as women calling other women sluts. Sometimes it’s the most vocal men that make the stereotypes worse.


It’s almost like the whole customized apps to fit into the GTK framework concept creates too much added work and needs to be rethought.

I don’t understand why someone should choose any GTK variant when they’ll have to refactor and rewrite their application every few years.


Yeah, would have been nice to find out what happened after Neo flew away. At least Rage was playing.


Not just guys, but mainly.

In the engineering field and other technical realms you’ll often find an asshole coming out of their shell under the guise of superior life choices. They full delude themselves into believing other trades and interests are less than because they don’t benefit society in such a directly visible way.

I should know, I was brainwashed into the cult for a few years. It took seeing it go to the extreme before I snapped out of it and started respecting other career and life choices.


Fair, but neither are acetaminophen or nsaids technically. When used sparingly for temporary relief, they can provide a benefit that can outweigh the damage depending on the individual.


When your partner complains they can’t screw other people because you’re away for a week, you might be dating someone you can’t fully trust long-term.

If you’re good at something, even if you don’t enjoy it, it might still make a good career. You don’t have to love what makes you money, just not hate it. If you’re good enough, you end up with a lot more free time for yourself. Doing what you love can also cause you to hate doing it as a hobby eventually. People don’t “love” their jobs. You don’t see them paying to do their job like they do for tennis lessons or sports events. You probably just tolerate your job, and that’s ok. Your life isn’t ruined.

Stay away from even legal drugs if you realize they affect you differently from the norm / other people. You might end up spending a couple nights in a hospital.

Alcohol is not really good for your body or mind.

Don’t just go for a shallow understanding of concepts. Learn and reason through them completely in your own way and you’ll never forget them. You’ll also be better prepared to use and extend them.

A solid sleep schedule is good for building a routine. A crazy sleep schedule can make you more creative. Choose a balance.

Know how food impacts you. You maybe eating something that drains you for decades without even realizing it. Introduce things one by one and see how you feel and think.

What people think about you does matter to an extent. It’s good to have confidence in yourself, but you can also be overconfident. It’s also ok to be a little judgmental at times about things that are important to you. You don’t have to be a dick about it though.


Don’t ever say anything even remotely disagreeing with the ultra-liberal left or you will be removed by an overzealous mod. Especially on world.

Many Lemmy servers aren’t in support of discussions unless they align with the server owner. I completely blocked technology after I stated I disagreed with the California trans law on an Elon Musk article. Just having an opinion was enough for a mod to label me QAnon, which I didn’t even realize was still a thing.

You can be for Palestine, LGBT rights, women’s choice, but the second you deviate from some internal monologue you’re QAnon. Honestly making me consider leaving this place. It’s too extreme.
