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Why do people like you constantly spread lies lmao. Coal usage is dropping despite not using a tiny amount of nuclear anymore.

Funny how people are down voting my comment regardless that it is the truth.

Here for the uneducated people:

https://www.ise.fraunhofer.de/en/press-media/press-releases/2023/german-net-power-generation-in-first-half-of-2023-renewable-energy-share-of-57-percent.html#:~:text=Coal-fired power generation also,to 20.1 TWh in 2023.

Coal-fired power generation also fell: Lignite-fired power plants generated about 41.2 TWh, a sharp decline of 21 percent from 2022 (52.1 TWh). Net production from coal-fired power plants also decreased by 23 percent, from 26.2 TWh in 2022 down to 20.1 TWh in 2023. Electricity generation from natural gas decreased only slightly from 24.3 TWh to 23.4 TWh. In addition to gas-fired power plants for the public power supply, gas-fired plants in the mining and manufacturing sectors also supply the industrial own consumption. These approximately produced an additional 24 TWh for industrial captive use.

Stats say coal share is dropping after nuclear shut down yet people online claim nuclear is being replaced by coal.


I don’t really think it’s necessarily exploitive. Western countries place great value on education/training and certifications. And there is a clear difference on how such education/certification is obtained in the west vs other places of the world.

Acting like they are equal when in many cases they aren’t is just not a good idea. Especially for someone like a police officer.
