I’m new to NixOS. Do I have to do anything extra to update NixOS? Or do I just update my flake and run nixos-rebuild switch --flake like I normally do to update packages?
The downside of NixOS is bad documentation. Which makes it take quite a while to get your config setup the way you want. Its so worth it though. I used arch for 5+ years and have been on NixOS for about 6 weeks now. I’m definitely never going back. My conifg is done, I barely have to change anything now. Its all saved in a git repo so I never have to make it again. I’ve already switched all of my machines over. And even a few of my friends. Which has been super easy to do cause I just give them my config then remove everything they don’t need. I’ve only been using it for a little while but it feels so reliable and Unbreakable even though I’m running unstable packages. Because if anything breaks you just go back to the last generation that worked. Which made me willing to just try anything when I was setting it up.
Also you could run Nix package manager on arch for this, but the nix package repo is amazing. It has everything i’ve needed or even thought about installing. And in my opinion its way better than using AUR packages. Most of the time you just DL them and don’t have to build them. Its just so much faster and more reliable then using Paru or Yay. Plus there is a NUR( nix user repo) but tbh I’ve never even looked at it.
The other con I know of is issues running binaries and app images. But there are was work arounds for them. I use a few app-images by just running ‘appimage-run <appimage filename>’. And so far its worked perfectly. As for a binaries you can use steam-run or I think using distrobox would work. But I haven’t had to do anything like that yet.
I found this YouTube channel quite useful when I was setting mine up. Vimjoyer
I always use the app image if they are available. As for being slow I never noticed.
No app desktop entry is one on the reasons I like them. If its one I use a lot I make a hotkey to open it. But there are ways to add them. There is even a tool that makes its easy to do.
No updates. I’m not sure how exactly, but everyone I use auto updates when I open them. I originally had a issue of it breaking my hotkey cause the file name would change because of the version number going up. Which I fixed by using a *.
This was exactly my experience when I switched from XFCE4 to Hyprland. Now I much rather do everything in the terminal. Except for partitioning drives and auto mounting them. I switch to gnome to do that in GUI.
Using nixos I can just rebuild with gnome instead of hyprland. Do what I need. Then rebuild back to hyprland. And gnome is not installed anymore. So I get to use GUI without the bloat of having a GUI installed all the time.
That would be great. What I found when I looked for this was.
nvd diff $(ls -d1v /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-*-link|tail -n 2)
No idea how it works but it seems to. I just do “nix shell -p nvd” then run that.
I switched from arch to nixos a few months ago. I would recommended going straight to using flakes and never touching channels. Channels really confused me when I started.
Also don’t ever use env to install packages. Just add them to your configuration file and run rebuild.
This video help me a lot when starting. Its a bit old but I don’t remember anything being wrong. He goes over how to use channels and how to setup to update using flakes. Also covers homemanager setup. Nixos setup guide
Also Vimjoyer has some great nixos videos.
The main reason I switch was the way packages work. When you install something that has a dependency say like python. Instead of using whatever python you have already installed it gets another python package that is the exact version the original packages needs. So everything you have installed that uses python has its own python. That way if your python gets updated for one thing it won’t break anything else that still needs the older version.
Its probably just a skill issue but I used both manjaro and arch for years on main desktop and both ended up broke where I couldn’t update anymore because of that issue. I know it can be fixed somehow but I always made it worse when I tried. I also had the same issue happen on my other computers(arch) when I would not update them for extended period of time.
Nixos not only fixes that by the way it does dependencies, but also because every time you “rebuild” it makes a new image you can boot from. So if a update breaks anything you just reboot back to the last working image. So the system is pretty much indestructible.
Other things i love about nixos.
- The Nixpkgs repo is HUGE. I never use snap or flakpak anymore. And its so much more reliable than arch AUR (IMO).
- when you remove a package from your config and rebuild the image. Its as if it never existed on the system in the first place. Only any files in your home folder remain.
- you can use nix-shell to temporary “install” packages. I use it a lot actually. There are few tools I use very rarely or if I want to try something new. You use it. Close the shell. Then it gets deleted next time you garbage collect.
- I switch between desktop environments. Sometimes just to try others out. But mainly I run hyprland. But if I need a GUI for something I just build my other config file and reboot into gnome. Then when Im done I just reboot back to hyrland image. And gnome is fully gone again. As if it was never installed.
- I keep all my configs for all three of my machines In the same git repo. If any of them go down. It would not take long at all to restore them back exactly how they are.
- its been fun sharing my fully config setup. Zsh(plugins like fuzzy finder)/tmux/NeoVim(with a bunch of plugins)/themes/starship with my friends. I just give them my config with a few tweaks changing username and removing anything they don’t need.
- You build one config. Get it just right. And you never have to do it again. No matter how many often you want to wipe your machine. One rebuild and everything is back. I just tweak my config as I go. And it applies every machine when I “rebuild” them.
Okay that was a lot of rambling. Probably repeated a lot of same points. I normally would go back and clean it up but I dont have time atm. I hope it somewhat answers your question. I feel like I’m forgetting something too.
If your interested you can try messing with nixos in a VM. Its pretty cool that if you make a config you like you can copy it from VM and use it. When I first switched I was pretty confused and it took probably two weeks to get my config anywhere close to what I had on arch. Most of that was trying to figure out how to config neovim plugins like LSP servers in home manager. Was so worth it though. Going from arch to nixos was every bit as great as when I moved from Window 10 to arch IMO.
Can someone explain why so many comments saying this is bad and want their instances to block threads? Seems like it would be a good thing to make the fediverse bigger and more accessible.
Unless it was a recent change factorio doesn’t “require” a account. When I host my server I disable verification and my friends who still haven’t bought it are able to join no problems. If server has verification on then they can’t.
This headline would have had me over the moon and ready to move to the UK if it was still pre 2020 labor party.