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They aren’t. Do they need to be, though? Maybe once the scale gets gargantuan, but even then - is it strictly necessary to be profitable? As long as donations cover costs, I assume most instance administrators want what the rest of us want - a good platform for discussion and content aggregation.


I doubt we will see any big dent in numbers so soon, if at all. The brutal honest truth is that most users of Reddit are casual lurkers who just want a content feed and do not care about anything else. This is why subreddits protested as they did, interrupting the content feed with blackouts and extremely niche rules.

What may actually happen is that a lot of the content creators leave, which will decrease the quality of the site in the long term and maybe push out the casual user when the content gets bad enough. This is not something easily quantifiable, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

But personally, I’m ok even if reddit isn’t toppled. Now that I’ve stopped using it, I have no stake in the matter anymore.


I hope that the mod-user relationship will be healthier here. (Bias, I was a reddit moderator.)

Some reddit mods were crap, this is true. Powermods and sub collectors were real. They did shit up a few communities.

But these people were a very small proportion of all moderators. Most moderators I met were chill, and just wanted to chip in to their respective communities to give back, in a way. Volunteering for internet janitor duty, because no matter how much people use the term as an insult it turns out public spaces need janitors - or they get filled with shit, trash, graffiti (and not the cool kind either, mostly badly drawn swastikas). It’s not a position that should be glorified, or anything, because that’s weird, but I hope that some semblance of basic respect can be maintained here on Lemmy - both ways, meaning no powermods but also no defaulting to assuming mods suck.


Truth be told, this is the last MCU thing I’m really looking forward to that’s been revealed currently. Season 1 was so solid and actually stuck the landing (at least for me, I know some didn’t like the last episode being so exposition heavy), so I hope the second will do just as well.


Credit where it’s due, Reddit was pretty good at coming up with novel ideas for social experiments for a few years (which also drove engagement, not coincidentally).

If I were to come up with Place-but-not, for the fediverse and Lemmy specifically, I would do it like this:

The canvas would start very small and divided into plots, with each plot “owned” by a user. The user who owns a plot can determine the pallete to be used in their plot, can whitelist / blacklist other users on their plot, and has a reduced cooldown on placing pixels inside their plot. They are the admin of their plot, basically, which is to mimic an instance.

When every pixel of the canvas has been covered at least once or a certain amount of time has elapsed, it would expand with new auto-generated plots randomly assigned to users from among those who have placed a pixel. Plots could be regular squares or other irregular shapes. The most inactive plots could be blanked and reassigned to a new owner after a time.

In this way, users would have to work together to make bigger art on the canvas or seek out a spot willing to cooperate with their art. You’d see alliances of plots, users making art around an uncooperative plot, hostile plots get ganged up on, hands-off plot owners allowing anything on their plot, and all sorts of shit like that that makes social experiments like this interesting. You’d likely still need top-tier admin intervention to remove hate symbols and the like.


Tankies are souring a lot of people from joining in my subjective experience. One of my friends questioned the presence of them and the views of the developers (and also why the “main” (not accurate but they haven’t even joined, so) instance lemmy.ml had the .ml domain to begin with) and I couldn’t give a satisfactory answer at the time, as I didn’t know enough about the place yet.

Upstanding instances should do their part to defederate from any tankie or fascist instances, so we can all distance ourselves from extremist rhetoric and make it seem like an actually OK place to hang out.


Yeah I do hate those fuckers. Creepy lil buggers.


Meaty update here. I’m not one to comment on weapon balance too much, but I do wonder: Do you think that all classes being able to self-heal a bit with the bandage will significantly shake up the game?
