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You are a brainwashed propagandist with that comment. Good for them. Can you explain to me why the US and NATO did not intervene with the genocide in Georgia? Make that TWO genocides. Who did? How much territory did they take? You know that counts in your inaccurate figure just as an example.

Americans are too stupid for the Internet.


It used to be “have a beer with the president” now it’s a social following. Both are ridiculously stupid qualities to have in the highest office. And America is getting what the voters deserved with these terrible candidates.


Seconding. I have a 3D printer. A couple of them. And I use JLC for PCBs and 3D prints because they have AWESOME printers and it’s just as fast to push the button and have it show up from them as it is for me to find the time and baby a print.


Land of the free! Free speech. Freedom of press… No wait, not like that! Only free to say and print the propagandist perspective.


If a pig is going to ticket you for an issue they’re saying your vehicle is unsafe. By then letting you drive away, they are not protecting or serving your wellbeing at all. They just deemed your vehicle hazardous to you and other drivers and it requires a civil penalty plus fixing the hazard. If they let you drive away, all they’ve done is collected money for their domestic terrorist pension fund.

Either it’s a hazard that warrants being pulled over and ticketed, or it isn’t. And it almost always isn’t a hazard. It’s an excuse to shoot coloured people and do warrantless searches.

Discretion for application of the law at the pig level is rife with abuse. In the US, so much so that the laws mean nothing. Pretty much at any point in the day, anywhere you are, you are guilty of a law somewhere. This means if they wish to get you for something, they can. Their discretion. Just decide to apply the law.

As for your example, no for many reasons. If you’re injured, an ambulance should be driving you with sirens. If your country is so broken as to be unaffordable to help their sick and weak, it is a broken country. Which it is. And let’s say you are driving it. Police should expend zero energy pulling over speeding vehicles. It is a cash grab, it is not safety. If it was for safety, it would just send you a ticket.

For example in a civilized country where I primarily reside now after leaving the shithole that is the USA, police don’t hide and ambush people. There are speed cameras every so often and when you go 15mph over the limit within 10 seconds, your phone notifies you that you have been fined for speeding with your picture. In the government app you can contest it, pay it, etc. If you continue speeding you just get more fines. There have been cases of people who did go fast as you suggest for personal reasons. No cop hindered them at any point in their journey. They got a bunch of tickets electronically. They contested due to an emergency, judge agreed, tickets dropped.

No safety issue with a loaded cop pulling you over in an emergency preventing you from helping your loved one. No interaction with police at all. The law is applied 100% of the time fairly to every person from the delivery driver to the “president”. If there is a reason you believe discretion is needed, a judge will decide if that discretion is warranted.


$300 for the most important piece of software on the hardware that you interact with every day, sometimes all day, for years? That’s a steal.

And again, as an OS, Windows just works and Linux doesn’t. Even if you wanted to set things manually in the registry to disable the bad consumer “features”, you’d still spend less time than configuring a standard Linux install and it would be more stable.

It’s like Apple fan bois nowadays. Ridiculous.


Or… Read what I said. Spend the $300 on the enterprise license. No ads. No forced notifications. A single computer with multiple users at one time in a home environment is not a use case that would get any thought. Those that want it, can do it. And it’s easy, and free. Hyper-V is free and the licenses for the virtual machines are free too because the container host is windows. Lock an instance per output and voila. Recall won’t be coming to enterprise or server and if it does, it will be disablable. Just like forced updates are disabled in enterprise. Forced reboots disabled. Etc.

If you want that experience you buy that experience.
