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Murica smells those barrels of freedom sauce. The rest doesn’t matter.

For those that don’t know US oil interests, like Exxon, are already exploiting those fields for private profit. So now it’s the United States Territory of Guyana. Until the oil dries up. Then it’s back to “f-off poor Latin country”!


Honestly, if it took until today with the small additions to the already sweeping shitbills that are codified into law before you became angry or worried, you’re just not paying attention. And an ignorant electorate deserves the fall of their country.

I’ve been shouting this from the rooftops for two decades. It’s been going on for forever (like when we gathered around the transistor radio for family fun), but now it’s just getting more creepy as technology improves.

It’s nearly impossible to be anonymous. But I do choose carefully what data to share and to whom. A very worrying trend in the US is this push to identify verify everything. You MUST use an app with fingerprinting. You must enter a valid US phone number to register. You have to send LinkedIn a copy of your photo ID… No. Just stop it.


Headlines like this should be illegal.

Apple is forced by the EU to stop being a dick and open up their ecosystem. Apple is also purposefully making the experience so terrible that nobody will dare use it.

I hope the EU sues and bankrupts them.


Who’s we? Didn’t even know the Superbowl was on until I saw a meme and remembered it was that time of the year.


I hope people will read past the propagandist headline.

The proposal, as it was last week, is essentially you Palestine give us everything we want and all your negotiating power, we Israel will stop murdering you for Ramadan, then we’re back in force after regrouping and no more threat of bad PR for killing our own…

That’s not a framework for a ceasefire or a peace deal. It also plays that Israel is ready for peace and it’s Hamas holding it back as always. When you’re not even close to an agreement of terms, and you “leak” such details, it’s an obvious ploy for media attention that it has received and straight out of the propaganda playbook.

That’s not hyperbole by the way. The IDF has one of the best “how to propaganda” books in the world that was developed with the US. It is freely available for anyone to read and talks about which words to use when. Which news to leak. How to frame negotiations to paint themselves positively while not allowing actual advancement. It’s a great read for everyone to be aware of when they see these methods used all over the world as it is widely adopted now.


Honest question for everyone. And try to think about it honestly and not just regurgitate what society tells you to think:

Would you prefer to live in an authoritarian regime if your ideology was 100% the rules in force?

For example if Bernie became dictator. Universal healthcare. Taxes fairly. Free or severely reduced pricing education. Abortion and lgtbq protections enshrined forever. Affordable housing and rent. Higher wages. Infrastructure. Public transit. A yearly knit mitten stipend per household. Etc.

If you like that, and the candidate got it and then could just make it happen. Immediately and without decades of “negotiations” and lobbying and pork projects etc. Just decree that there is universal healthcare in 6 months time, no way to oppose it. Would you the democratic voter be against that?

Personally, I believe most people would enjoy living in an autocracy of their beliefs. In order to not sound like a sociopath you have to pretend to want to let the Bobert and MTG Trump voters have their fair say. But their fair say is the opposite of everything you want.

Now if you got 90% of what you want and 10% bullshit you disagree with, still a good deal? 75%. 55%?

Under the current system do you think you’re getting the same percentage of what you want?


Ah yes the X86 instruction set for mapping.

Everything is a conditional branch loop. Always has been.


If they weren’t conscripted via draft, they volunteered. 100% their shitty choice to become a terrorist.



But something tells me they will at most get a recognition award printed from MSWord and a pizza party day at their local office.


How can anyone see this and not see that the US is a manipulative shithole country? Champion of the free world markets except when they aren’t winning, then closed market manipulation and government interference.

The US hasn’t been ahead for many years and they can’t innovate. So now they just want to keep out actual progress.
