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Das Problem an dieser Richtung wäre dann, dass man 30 Mrd. Euro investiert hat um die Infrastruktur aufzubauen, aber dann durch die Maßnahmen das Geld nicht refinanzieren kann, weil ja kaum einer zahlen muss, weil ja die Alternative bereits da ist.

Das wäre wie z.B. wenn man sagt man möchte abgeschottete Raucherbereiche auf allen öffentlichen Plätzen einrichten, das kostet Geld und an das Geld kommt man, indem man sagt, dass für das Rauchen auf diesen Plätzen eine Gebühr fällig wird, wenn man nicht in einem entsprechenden Bereich ist(der ja noch geschaffen werden muss). Hat man aber vorher schon das Geld genommen und die Bereiche geschaffen, kann ja einfach jeder Raucher in so einen Bereich gehen und man nimmt nichts mehr an Gebühren ein, um das Geld für die Bereiche wieder rein zu holen.


I don’t use many extensions, but apart from the usual UBlock Origin I’ll say something exotic: UltraWideo

Because sites like disney+ still don’t know that 21:9 monitors exist so you have to force it to scale their 21:9 films to your monitor instead of giving you black bars on all sides


Well in my case it’s perfectly clear that the problem was defederation because the comments I was able to see with my feddit instance were all there precisely up to the point where a person from lemmy.fmhy.ml, an instance that is blocked on feddit, posted something and everything that was in context of that post was gone when viewed from feddit.


But that only helps in knowing which communities I can see, I still don’t know how much I’m missing out in the comments on other communities because some of them might be from people my instance has defederated.

I noticed this today when I had a comment chain on lemmy.world that I accessed with my lemm.ee instance. That chain was >10 posts long with several different users from different instances.
When I looked into that community with my feddit.de account, I could only see the first two comments of that chain, not even my own lemm.ee comments were visible despite not being blocked by feddit.de.
It was because the third post of that chain was made by a user on an instance that is blocked by feddit.de and that lead to all following posts also missing.
So now I’m feeling like I’m possibly missing big parts of all those comment sections just because they happen to include a comment from a user somewhere early in the chain that is on an instance which is blocked by my instance.

That’s the reason despite me being german I probalby won’t use feddit.de anymore because, at least for the time being, lemm.ee doesn’t have anyone blocked so in this specific example I can at least see everything posted on lemmy.world that isn’t already blocked by lemmy.world itself(in which case I don’t miss out because no one could see these posts).
While with feddit.de, browsing on lemmy.world I also won’t see things blocked by feddit.de that other users browing lemmy.world could see.


Reddit isn’t totally free of this problem (feature) either–You can have multiple subreddits dedicated to the same topic.

True, but there you don’t have the problem that you can access subreddit “gamingB” but not “gamingA” because you happen to be logged in on an instance that defederated “gamingA”.

You can just access all of the different subreddits with one account and freely choose on which on you’d like to post and always able to see every post ever made in every sub.

With Lemmy as it is now, I don’t even know if the posts I see in a community on InstanceA really are all posts because there might be posts made by people on InstanceB that is blocked by InstanceC that I’m accessing the community of InstanceA with.
That’s my biggest concern right now.
I noticed this today when I had a comment chain on lemmy.world that I accesed with my lemm.ee instance. That chain was >10 posts long with several different users from different instances.
When I looked into that community with my feddit.de account, I could only see the first two comments of that chain, not even my own lemm.ee comments were visible despite not being blocked by feddit.de.
It was because the third post of that chain was made by a user on an instance that is blocked by feddit.de and that lead to all following posts also missing.
So now I’m feeling like I’m possibly missing big parts of all those comment sections just because I happen to be on an instance that blocked someone that might participate in them.

Hell, I don’t even know if you can see this post because it could be that your instance defederated from my instance.


I never thought that these two could be pronounced the same. I pronounce of as in office whereas 've is either pronounced as in have or as in effective (or more like a mix between that and e sound and an “ö” from german) depending on how quick I want to say it.


Ich hab mich beim Lesen der Begründung erst mal gefragt, ob denn genau angekündigt wurde, welche Straßen blockiert werden, ansonsten hätte ja absolut JEDER, der in Berlin unterwegs ist, laut Gericht vorsorglich auf den ÖPNV umsteigen können.

Da würde ich bezweifeln, dass der ÖPNV diese Kapazitäten hat. Ich war zwar erst einmal für ein paar Tage in Berlin, aber die U-Bahnen und Busse waren schon immer recht voll, trotz gleichzeitig voller Straßen. Und Busse fallen ja eh weg, denn diese sind ja genau so betroffen wie Autos, bleibt eigentlich nur die U-Bahn. Also meint das Gericht, dass sämtliche Leute, die in ihren privat Autos und in Bussen unterwegs sind, in die U-Bahn passen würden, wenn das als Alternative genannt wird?
