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Now just here me out: What if the girls’ bathroom is full up on people, or broken down for some reason. Wouldn’t it be nice if a girl had to go into the boys’ bathroom in an emergency, that they would have access to those things.

Boys don’t have special requirements to use the bathroom. I can go anywhere just about. I can take leak on the side of the road with only a car door for privacy in ten seconds. Boom, I’m done.


This putz wrote an acclaimed book that got turned into an acclaimed movie? I have to ask did the script writer or Ron Howard change a lot of dialogue and stuff to make it a normal movie? Maybe, he had a really good editor that was like, “Dude, this is some misogynist shit, take it out”


Your pastor or preacher told you to do it, not your religion. Pretty sure there’s no explicit mention how to use or not use pronouns or using someone’s preferred name in the bible. Language is just arbitrary, made up bullshit anyways. Let’s reverse it, his name is no longer Jordan Cernek using pronouns he/his/him. Now, it Jerkin Cumneck with the special pronoun of shitstain.

Jerkin Cumneck is a dumbass. Shitstain shouldn’t bring shitstain’s political views to work. Jerkin should teach at a private christian academy because shitstain can be an obnoxious asshole over there without having shitstain’s fragile little mind broken every time shitstain has to use words that shitstain doesn’t like.


Facebook dating was decent when I tried it back in 2020/21. Tend to have more real people so more responses. You still have the difficulty of trying to connect with people or finding someone you like.


Keep up the good work. Not sure how Trump ever turned on any women except with his checkbook. Hell, he has to pay his wife to show up and talk to gay republicans. JD Vance some how got a woman to think he’s decent enough to marry. Probably because he agrees with his stupid takes. Dude should be moderating some thinly veiled red-pill forum some where.

You know what’s just as bad as male MAGA republicans? The women that adore them. Given the chance, they would prostitute their wives for a 10 point lead in the polls.


Oh, shut up, Nimarata “Nikki” Randhawa Haley. You don’t give two shits about America being isolationist or not. You only want Taiwan to stay independent because of its tech. If it was just any other island nation in the Pacific, you’d let China take it and not bat an eye.

You back a party that would turn on you and JD Vance’s wife, given a chance. They don’t care about you. They like white, seemingly Christian men. They would sooner suck Trump’s dick then shake the hand of Indian woman like yourself.


That’s because you only see the levels of classes that are interesting to play. Most regular people are going to specialize in something that keeps them alive and has more use for the general public. Did you want to play a level 7 Dentist or a level 5 Pizza Chef? And feats like Least Painful Tooth Extraction for the Dentist or Perfect Toppings Distribution for the Pizza Chef?


Not really. Pretty much just move on at this point. TV shows are setting themselves up for failure. Got tired of waiting around for Rick and Morty and gave up on it. Got tired of waiting for Mob Psycho 100 or One Punch and probably won’t bother going back. At least there is manga of that if I want to read it. Getting tired of overly complicated, long paused stories that wind up letting you down.

Usually, I wait until after a show is done and then go back to watch it. Been let down too many times by shows getting cancelled or going on hiatus or just straight failing in the last seasons. There’s so much choice of entertainment these days that I’ll just find something else. TV shows are just leaving legacy of letdown causing some of them to be only remembered for how they failed.

Look at what happened to Game of Thrones. Cultural juggernaut for a long time and now… just sour taste in most people’s mouths from having a bad end. I foresee this happening more and more until people just stop waiting around and find more complete stories or just other types of entertainment.


And folks, here in the comments, we have semi-Biblical experts discussing meaning and interpretation like it was LOTR or 40K lore. If someone needs that much explanation for their faith or even a cartoon, then at no point will we ever arrive a solid definition or consensus of the Christian God.

I like to keep things simple. Jesus was a black man and had some really cool ideas. His dad was not really present and second hand-stories about him are often mythical and confusing. Hell, the stories of Jesus are second-hand and often hard to nail down. People can’t agree on the word or rules of this religion so they fight other people outside and inside their religion to distract from the fact we are all going to die and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
