Maybe if more terminally ill were committing the crimes, insurance companies would be less likely to turn away patients, and a lifetime sentence wouldn’t be so bad.
Also, jurors have power too.
Please describe how he has been a lame duck president. Given he represents a party that is outnumbered in the Senate. And let’s table the Israeli/Palestine conflict since this forum of discussion doesn’t really work well for full history and geopolitical strategy history lessons.
You guys realize that Biden waited until after the RNC to announce this right? He’s making this as hard as possible for them to pivot. You had hundreds of people in the same city, building strategies for their campaign. He had made sure that Kamala would have the delegates secured to ensure there would be no in-fighting for the next candidate. They did little to stop the media in going down the rabbit hole of the all-consuming news that he should drop out. They used it for their advantage to create a positive whirl wind around Kamala. Truly brilliant.