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Was it just me or did OG’s post use the epistemic status not as an epistemic status but as a way to frame how you should feel about the things?+more non epistemic things?

E: What “she was being paid the equivalent of $75k[1] per year (only $1k/month, the rest via room and board)” 62k for room and board? “The staff they hire are either remote, or live in the house with them.” for living with your boss? Wtf is wrong with those people. While also making romantic references to their employees. There were doing indentured servitude ffs. They should get lawyers.

I did not expect a ‘we tried to get our indentured sex servants to smuggle drugs for us’ story to drop.


A post in the style of ‘we should allow the Chatgpt say slurs else it will cause nuclear armageddon’ there the premise ‘slurs/justified murder of people I dislike’ is picked first and then people rationalize back to support that argument no matter how dumb and horrible their thinking actually becomes. Discussing with somebody like this is imho useless as they just think they should be allowed to ‘say slurs’/‘murder people’.


I think you fundamentally misunderstand the ethical reasonings behind EA. As this drama has kept carrying on, and now is again reaching hundreds of comments the amount of time this affair wastes of EA people both involved and not involved is massive. All this time is not spend reducing EA risk, so logically all these hours wasted are murders of future people. So for the good of the future all these people must be expelled from EA, ideally in such a way they never can waste time of anybody related with EA again, various types of kinetic or legal solutions exist for this.


Some lols from the comments, the user Roko (no idea if that is that Roko) says:

Does someone have a 100 word summary of the whole affair? 
My impression is that [bad summary removed]
Is that accurate? 

Roko replying to this post

Apparently 77 people chose to downvote this without offering an alternative 100 word summary. .

Some random person: “If you think writing an 100 word summary of all of this content is as easy as downvoting, you’re probably significantly overrating the value of your original comment.”


(this post was edited several times sorry im trying to work with the weird text layout stuff here)


And get murdered by the Basilisk trying to acasually blackmail him? No chance.


Come now, my solution would involve a catapult, or if we can find the budget a trebuchet, clearly im not the same. ;).

Joke aside, that is pretty sad that they actually wrote that. And those kind of arguments are so dubious imho that I would be more inclined to doubt any of their defenses are true. (If I was in any way involved). Esp as the argument also just assumes the accusations are unfounded.


Yeah but you also cannot let these priests go unpunished, so my solution involves everybody involved, the alleged priests, the alleged victims, everybody talking about it including us. All of them, biff zoom, right into the sun.

While this is a joke, there is an idea in here somewhere. If the accused really worried about the secondary effects of this on EA and the waste of time it all causes they should quickly settle with the people they hurt or even step down, EA has already decided that the people who bring in money are more important than the replaceable people who do the EA work (That is the whole idea behind how it is more effective to work for wallstreet and tithe than actually be a boot on the ground fixing things), and I highly doubt these people are the visionary math geniuses who do the AGI safety coding or whatever is needed to stop the paperclip bad ending. Like if you really worry about secondary effects and the risk for EA etc etc, just quit, pass the torch to some other cultist EA member, problem solved.


I’m sorry did you forget to evaluate the references included in the references included in the references? That is a bit dishonest, read the sequences twice and recite HPMOR once as penance, or increase your tithe by 1% by kissing the pinky ring.


It was dubious but for me the last sentence crosses the line into it being a threat. I dont get why they include this on their defense post, didn’t anybody proofread this and go ‘wow this part makes you look really manipulative and the last line is just a threat, as the previous ones show you have the moral capability to do this to your friends, and now you mention you have insider knowledge’. (Also lol, if now somebody drops accusations like this anonymously, the obvious people accused would be them. If they are right and the people accusing them are super accusers who just drop shit on other people for their personal gain they just gave them plausible deniability (I assume their previous employees have access to the same knowledge))

Also: ‘so many conflicts in EA’, looks like there is more content for us in the future.
