I swear to god, I need to get myself checked. Every now again I see a meme so specific that I question myself.
Now a days, it wouldn’t surprise me if they advertise it as “view to authentic anti capitalism art” and charge you 50% more T.T
I kinda doubt it. KH3 was meant to be the end, yet it continued.
I think they call it “analog horror noise” now, along with vhs cassettes.
Feel the passage of time XD
Girls are nerds too. They won’t admit it if you make it dangerous to do so. Like say, gatekeeping, calling them not true fans, pretending they don’t exist and leaving passive aggressive remarks when someone shares a story involving one.
Honestly, just engaging a bit would help a ton. Some people aren’t good conversationalist so they use memes to try and bond.
I am not sorry
Make up for women is like the gym for guys
Sure, you may start to impress your preferred gender.
But after a while, you stop caring about impressing your preferred gender, and more about showing off to those who can appreciate your efforts.
It’s not fun if they see it coming!