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It just sucks that innocent children are hurt (or worse) in the process


I’m immunocompromised and still mask indoors. I haven’t been sick at all since 2020 and it’s awesome! Between 40-60% of people have some form of permanent brain damage and 70-80% have long covid problems from Covid. The damage to the body compounds every time a person gest re-infected, so the numbers are terrifyingly high.

I have a postmortem science degree and it required 4 years of pre-med/pathology. With all that and what we know about the virus, I am honestly not sure I’ll stop wearing a mask indoors until we find a cure or better vaccine. I can’t stand that politicians are trying to ban masks, essentially sacrificing the elderly, disabled, and ill. A government making medical decisions, creating an environment where a person can’t mask up, regardless of if they have cancer and want to stay safe; or if they’re severely sick with something else but need to pick up medication at a pharmacy… it’s dark. It’s fucked up


Yup! Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is a BITCH. I was diagnosed in 2014 and I wish I could go back in time and scream at younger Shelby to quit gymnastics, quit cheerleading, and quit my job as a contortionist… on the outside, I look healthy and even do boudoir for a living, but my doctor says my ligaments are similar to someone in their late seventies. It’s hard when you look “normal” because everyone assumes you’re faking it.


Mortician here!

Recomposition (or Natural Organic Reduction) is already legal in several states: California, Washington, Vermont, Oregon and Colorado!

As of right now, I think the compost is only allowed in national and state parks, but they’re doing testing on farms to check if there’s dangers to us consuming the crops and it’s been very successful and safe.

Most diseases and viruses can’t survive the composting heat and the plants are thriving. It uses 87% less energy than cremation and burial and stops embalming fluids from leaking into our ground water. I’m really glad this is an option.

There’s a scam company that claims you can put cremated remains in the ground and grow a tree… yeah, cremated remains turn into concrete when wet and the heat of cremation denatures nearly everything beneficial for plants. We constantly have to tell people not to put cremated remains on plants or the plants will join the family member that passed…


I truly believe that in first world countries, it’s because of insanely bright headlights. I remember reading that they’re 3,000x brighter than they were in the 1990s and because trucks are getting taller, they point more at other drivers than they ever have. My library even rents out night driving glasses so people can see if they’re beneficial.


Sewing machines. I’m a professional cosplayer and sewing/embroidering is a big part of that. My newest machine is from 2008. After that, they started adding in all these different electronic features, that are garbage. The machines both break easily and are limited to the technology/software of that time. You want a machine that can sew through leather and silk with the same grace, get an older machine. If you want something newer, avoid electronics or anything with a touchscreen.

My Husqvarna Viking Emerald 118 is so strong that when sewing corsets, my needle commonly punches through the thick ZipTies, that I use for boning, like they were butter. It’s a beast of a machine. If she ever breaks, I’m going to find a used one.


Pansexual woman chiming in; boobs are distractingly wonderful!. I’m more of a butt girl, but always appreciate nice boobs 😅

Being a dominatrix, might help though. Nipple clamps, biting them, teasing them; it all adds to my pleasure.


It’s crazy that people keep saying she prosecuted thousands upon thousands of black individuals with Marijuana charges. I swear people don’t know how to Google and find out that she oversaw 1900 cases, (which was a total for her AND those under her) but only 45 went to prison for it… and those were extreme cases. I’ve used the LetMeGoogleThatForYou site more than I’d like to admit.


I really hope a politician bans those “Class Action Waiver” and “Revoking Right to Arbitration” riders that are getting put into everyone’s Term and Conditions contracts. We should have the right to band together if a corporation fucks us over and this is ridiculous.


If you’re homeless or low income, there are programs through DHS that will send you a free phone and plan. It’s not a great phone, but they still give people the ability to apply for jobs online, contact hospitals/case workers/ shelters, and to be safe in case of an emergency. I’m not sure if other states have it, but Michigan and Colorado do
