
Miles O'Brien

0 posts • 155 comments

Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.

Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.

Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.

Direct message

Here’s the one that convinced my dad that connecting everything is bad:

Your smart fridge knows what’s inside and knows you just added a 12 pack of soda and donuts to the shopping list. They sell that data to a bunch of companies, including your insurance company. They know you have diabetes.

Your insurance rates just went up for the fifth time this year because your insurance company knows what you’re eating.

And it’s a good thing you don’t drink beer or your car insurance would have gone up ‘due to increased risk factors.’ too bad you wanted to buy a new car this year.

Not only can you not afford it now, the price went up because they know you want a car. I’m sure they would make a payment deal with you though.

And every company will know all about the deal, the beer, the donuts, and all it took was sending money to whatever company had the information, and they were more than happy to sell it.

The more we allow companies to freely operate like this without regulation and without proper punishment for breaking the rules, we will continue sliding toward the hellscape of Ferenginar. For the non trekkies, it’s a hyper-capitalist species of profit-driven assholes.


They wear their title proudly. Openly admit it in the streets.

And yet for some reason, are allowed to continue to operate freely.

Our country goes to war for less.

Edit: A friend of mine got this shoved in their mailbox today

Totally not domestic terrorists…


Nationalist Christians?

Hmm… We should come up with a word for that.

How about Nat-Cs?


You can see the moment he got triggered.

Such a weird snowflake…




I’m already loving to misuse slang around all the nieces and nephews. They’re all 3-14, so it changes depending on which kid is around, but the eye rolls are fantastic.

We need to tap into the power of the cringe and we might have an unlimited energy source.

Edit to add my updated version


“problem with authority” is just What authorities say when what they mean is “constantly questions our reasons and doesn’t just immediately do what we SAY exactly as we MEAN it like a good little puppet beloved citizen”


“Yay, I get to legally murder someone today! This’ll shut up my hippy liberal relatives” -Metz, shortly before pulling up to the teen’s car


I just assume like 75% of the people who read posts like this a believe the poster’s intended message simply live in areas with such poor public transport, the idea that there are not only multiple busses running to the same destination, but those busses are full Is simply so alien to them, they just assume something fucky is going on.

I lived in a small city in Ohio, and I gotta say… It was wild being in Columbus for a convention and being able to catch a bus on my own street within minutes of walking up to the stop, and seeing a mostly full bus.

The few times I used my home city’s transportation, I had to leave early enough to walk a good mile to the nearest stop (where I had to wait about 20 minutes since the bus was 10 minutes late), and make all the appropriate transfers so that I get to work on time, and I was one of three people on the bus usually. And I arrived at my destination a full 45 minutes before I needed to be there, but it was that or walk for several hours both ways.

Functional public transport is an alien concept when your nearest neighbor is half a mile down the road.


They probably use that to filter out people who know their rights.

Sounds like an employer that needs investigated by several departments.
