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Regarding the sports bans, trans individuals do not generally get a significant advantage against their cis peers. In the case of trans women, they are often are at a detriment in sports due to the lack of testosterone in their body that’s naturally there even in cis women. We haven’t seen clear cases of trans individuals standing out against their cis peers consistently and the argument that excluding such a small group works both ways. Unless trans folks are somehow world-class by default, excluding them from their gendered sport is moot and if anything cruel.

One place I see compromise (at least with trans women, I have no idea how men’s sports handles trans men since they need to take Testosterone) is requiring a certain number of years of HRT. Those who just started HRT might have an advantage, but after a few years they are around the same level as or further behind their peers.

EDIT: I’m a tiny bit more conflicted now reading some other comments I’ve seen you make. I feel like you’re coming from a genuinely good place though. I hope you continue to expose yourself to different ideas and keep learning and growing. ^_^

EDIT 2: :barks like a sealion: iykyk

EDIT 3: My only regret is that I only have one downvote to give.


I cannot wrap my mind around this level of privilege. In all honesty I really can’t. I don’t think there’s a thing I could do to change your opinion and this nugget:

Not everyone is happy to open their wallets and bust out the walking shoes for just any generic liberal candidate.

Suggests you or others with your opinions won’t vote because… she’s generic? Or didn’t do enough yet? And claiming that Biden dropping out won’t end the genocide, so let’s not see it as positive?

What saint would you prefer we vote in? Can you explain how they are both morally spotlessly pure AND have a snowball’s chance in hell? If you’re convincing enough, maybe that second coming of Jesus will lead us to a utopia. /s

Some of us are not in the position of being able to use a foreign tragedy as our stopping block. Some of us have our rights and safety on the line.


I loot Legion Denarii so I can load them into shotguns and give them back.

  • 1 day old account
  • Airs grievances for Kamala but not Trump
  • Completely writes off marginalized groups
  • Generalizes Kamala’s platform to “identity politics”
  • Fails to take into account polls and the last election as reasons to vote
  • Fails to elaborate on what they care about, just that Kamala hasn’t talked about it

Sure thing, comrade.


You, figuratively:

“What if she deserved to be shot in the head?”

You, literally:

“I didn’t verbatim say that! So you’re wrong! Checkmate!”

Go find some rope, holy shit.


We were supposed to glean that from “Sure he did…”? And does this change the fact that he commented on someone as if he knew them without actually knowing who they were?

EDIT: And just to clarify, I don’t think you’re a trumper or anything, just genuinely unsure how your comment implies that.


Grandma should be taken off life support.


The amount of sealioning and goalpost moving I see is incredible. I’m happy the mods seem generally good about it in most of the lemmy instances I participate in, but holy crap some people need to have their keyboard thrown out or their fingers broken occasionally to get the message.


There’s a ton of trolls in here who can’t celebrate anything good while anything bad is happening. Yes, his response to the genocide in Israel was abysmal. I have no illusions that the right would have done any better, and in fact believe Trump would have thrown more fuel on it. I’m ecstatic that Biden is not running again so that maybe Kamala can finally fucking do something about it. But I think we can take five seconds to admit that he did a lot of good for our country in other ways and made the right call here in dropping out.

For those who won’t budge:

There’s literally no winning, huh? Any flaw or misstep is enough to complain about and use as a reason to abstain or be an accelerationist. Y’all will claim Biden and Dems are monsters for their flaws. All that does is hurt the sane side of our government and make the actual fascists who have done so much worse have a better chance at taking over.

Can y’all please please please not let perfect be the enemy of good for once in your miserable life? This thinking is what brought us Trump in the first place, and while I can agree we need to do better, start at the local level, because only caring when we’re on another brinkmanship presidential race makes you look like short-sighted toddlers.
