100% their bike is a fixie and they lock it in front of their office building, it’s the only bike on that bike rack, because they like to show how cool they think they are.
Stop it. Now. This is not tolerated in this thread and if I see you post another one like this, I will report you. People don’t give a Debian what you think is funny. I Mint it. serious frowny faceserious red arrow pointing at serious frowny face /jk
Great. Now I have food poising, I am hallucinating because of dehydration and malnourishment, AND I no longer have sense of self. So…which god do I thank for all this? You gave me a list.
Same. Like, I took ONE slice of pizza from the fridge. I saw most of a pie in there, no notes or nothing, hey…we are a community. We feed each other. And it was only a coupla slices. But no I am out on the street and pounding my sandals for a new dive.
As an American who is tired of this…works for me. Feel free to boycott anything US made in exchange for peace. We’ll be fine over here. We’ll complain and have a tantrum like children but it’s what we do.