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I’m not sure it’s ever too late to learn anything. Unless you are dead.

But I do wish I’d been able to feel ok about my body as a teenager, the anorexia was harmful to my bones & heart, so I guess technically I learned too late to value my body, or learned it too late to avoid damage anyway, though I’m pretty healthy overall now. I think almost all teenagers are uncomfortable with their looks in some way, at least they were back then.


At my job? No. That would not happen.

And it’s funny you ask about outside the US because the way I learned this was our head of finance in Germany was visiting and as I passed the office where he was I heard him talking and it was just fucking this, fucking that, fuck so many times just in the time it took me to pass the office.

Now should you be cussing out customers? No, of course not. But no one in my office bats an eye and we often hear “what the fuck, Microsoft?!” when something doesn’t work.


Right but inflation will eat at that. If they have a million in 40 years it won’t be worth a million of today’s dollars.


I know! I am free with compliments for my friends, gay men, random women. To be fair, I also don’t see a lot of guys intentionally dressed like this man was - he had obviously thought out the outfit and it looked cool. I’d noticed it in the morning, but saw him on my way out and thought it ok to tell him I did notice it.

I just don’t feel like I’d have been so open when younger because it’s harder to make it obvious I am not hitting on him. Even though it’s a safe for work compliment!

Do guys tell other guys they like their hair or clothes, though? Like, do you compliment each other on the superficial stuff?


I love cheese so much but also love:

Beans and rice, in all their endless delicious variations.

Eggs and home fried potatoes and refried beans.

Coconut milk curry, vegetables and chicken or shrimp or tofu.

Speaking of chicken - chicken and yellow rice with black beans.

Salmon and potatoes - cut the potatoes up and toss them with olive oil and salt, let them cook then move them around and put the salmon on the pan. Whatever you are seasoning the fish with, pour some on the potatoes too (lemon or if you have a marinade) then back in the oven till the fish is cooked.


Right, you are proportionate, waist to height as a measurement means a 7’ tall guy would be healthy with a 40" waist, but a lady (or man) who is 5’ tall really does need smaller than 30" to be in shape.


I miss when my gay friends all called their partners “lovers”.

As in literally if they were introducing their boyfriend, it was never “this is my boyfriend Chris” it was “this is Chris, my lover.”

No idea if it was just a local thing but it was just so, well, lovely.


Human nature. I don’t think it’s the worst economic system, but if you measure everything in dollars, and say that a business venture’s only task is to make value measured in dollars, I don’t see how it can avoid exploitation.

As an accountant I want to say it might work if businesses were required to pay all the costs they currently externalize and hand to society and the future (so pollution or underpaying employees would be more expensive than being clean and paying more of the $ to the workers) but I’m not completely convinced.

As it stands now, companies become profitable because they aren’t paying what it costs to produce their stuff. It seems baked into the system.


Waist to height is the only proven metric. And the problem with BMI is not that it is overestimating fat, it’s that it’s underestimating fat because it completely misses skinny-fat people, and the number of those is much higher than the number of jacked overweight not fat athletes.

Add to this the complicating factor that it’s really torso fat that is metabolically active and dangerous to your health.

Waist should be less than half your height, you don’t even need a measuring tape. Get someone to cut a string as long as you are tall, and see if it can go around your waist twice, with at least some extra length. If so, you are good, probably don’t have too much torso fat.

ETA I don’t understand why they need that complicated formula, why not just a ratio? The only inputs are waist and height. Never understood the point of squaring height to get BMI either, it’s also just a mass to height comparison, why not a simple ratio?


Caffeine is physically addictive but a coffee/tea habit isn’t unhealthy. So you get physically addicted by drinking it everyday (will get the headache if you don’t have it) but it’s unlikely to cause addiction in the sense of harming your ability to live your life, or having negative health effects.
