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Was it awesome? I feel like I remember green day falling off sometime around, like, ‘97


“Life under capitalism has become unlivable and we won’t acknowledge the issue, and instead will blame COVID and market crash.”


I mean…it kinda makes the most sense to bring Jesus back.

  • Still none of us would leave the house to rent movies if blockbuster came back.

  • None of us have shopped at toys r us since were had our own money to spend, so toys r us wold exist to us all the same way it does now: a fond memory.

  • RadioShack…I mean, would anyone not buy their shit online if that happened? Nah. Also, not to mention, fuck corporations and chain stores and consumerism.

And if you bring Jesus back…he’s a socialist pacifist Jew that might have a chance of setting the worst America has to offer right on their misguided opinions. We need more powerful anarcho-socialists, especially powerful ones—and I mean, literally powerful. He is purportedly magic. Boom. Goodbye capitalism.

No question. Bring Jesus back. And Conan.


I’m getting to the point that I’m fucking annoyed by the sight of this idiot’s stupid fucking mug. I’m really hoping we can stop fixating on him soon. Remember Bezos? He’s still an asshole billionaire too. He’s just not as vocal. Let’s spread our billionaire hate around appropriately.


There were no actual efforts to establish communism

Period. Relying on the “temporary” government to relinquish their power is…foolish. If you’re building a system for the greater good, hierarchy will always undermine that goal. Unequal amounts of power does not a just system make.


See, that’s the thing. I’m in film and my goal is to parlay this work into a work visa in Europe for this exact reason. I love my work, but I want benefits and protections that just aren’t afforded me here (because my particular Union in my area is problematic as fuck, not to mention hard to break into). But my concern is how this even gets done.

The US has made it very difficult for citizens of other countries to get paperwork to live and work here, so we see a lot of reciprocation in level of difficulty to leave this place. I wish I could get someone to give me some info on the process that’s been through it


I think we’re going to see a figurehead change before the IPO if things continue this way. Spiz will “step down” (he’ll probably be bought out, which might be what he’s angling for at this point, talking about wanting to emulate Elon? The most obvious and egregious example of massively and publicly fucking up a social media site??) and the company will put out a statement of “changing course,” basically just muddying the waters about what’s actually happening (while most likely nothing will actually change), say that they’re going to try to fix this fiasco.

It would kill the protests. And that way they can either run out the clock and settle things down before the IPO, or they can put out some vague change that would figuratively make the API more accessible/affordable. But nothing would actually change in the latter scenario, they’d just make a lot of noise about being reasonable while not actually changing anything. Their value could inflate again, protests are quelled due to loss of momentum/loss of popularity, pizzle gets a golden parachute, the company goes public and banks, VCs roll in piles of money, etc. etc.
