Herding Llamas
I mean, to some degree yeah. If I were to get the world’s best samurai sword; I would have fun making whooshing sounds swinging it around, but I could not use it like a samurai master could.
Ohhhh I’m waaaayyy ahead of you. I left in Obama’s last year cause I saw this shit coming. Honestly I was hoping someday I could / have the option to move back… Not in the next four years, that’s for sure.
Not to presume someone’s gender, but that’s a she. She’s a hard worker. So you know, boy honey bees don’t even collect pollen or nectar. They also don’t protect the bee hive or care for the young. Boy bees are the meaning of lazy. Most hives will only have a few percent of boys in summer, but when it gets cold they get booted from the hive and die and they don’t make any more boys until next spring.
No. Clearly no.
The specs required for these games is low, fortunately. Cheaper gaming laptops typically go for twice your max budget. Looking for a used laptop is the way I would go with the budget. I have the specs for fortnite below, but keep in mind, these are the minimum expectations not what you should get. I would search for something with 1.5-2x these specs if you expect your kid to have the laptop for more the 3-4 years and the demands of future games.
CPU - Core i3-3225 3.3 GHz. GPU - Intel HD 4000 or AMD Radeon Vega 8. Memory - 8 GB RAM. Storage - 30GB available space
That’s totally not it for me. It looks fake, but for me it was when this shit starts. A few percent got together in 1980 / early 80S?! Now I vaguely remember the 80s and the “internet” from then. I can’t imagine any got together from “online dating” then or the internet overall. Do you have a concept of what “internet” was then?
Thanks, yeah that’s why I came here. For me though it is that a few percent got together in 1980 / early 80s. Now I vaguely remember the 80s and the “internet” from then. I can’t imagine any got together from “online dating” then or the internet overall. Do you have a concept of what “internet” was then?