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How the fuck does bill gates still have that much money


Eh, updates still break things on Debian just like on Arch. It may happen less often but when you do run into problems, you’re completely screwed. I updated to Debian 12 like a year ago and still haven’t fixed all the issues because it’s a server and reinstalling the entire OS is completely out of the question and a beyond reasonable amount of work. On Arch, stuff breaks more often but the saving grace is that everything breaks often enough that you can count on there being an up to date wiki page for whatever problems you run into. On Debian if something semi obscure breaks, that feature is gone for good if you hate format and reinstalls.

Tbf, I did eventually get everything except zoneminder (and the ability to automatically reconnect to wifi when it loses connection WITHOUT HUMAN INTERVENTION) working again on my Debian server but the fact is it 100% worked before the update.


This is some quality content


Any self hosted ai thing. I recommend llamacpp because it’s the easiest to set up. Gpt4all is a ui solution that runs on top of llamacpp that would also be an excellent choice. All you have to do is download any gguf compatible model from hugging face, figure out what command line options you need for multithreaded operation and to load your custom model. If you want one that’s actually loyal and is less likely to be pushing some agenda, make sure it says it’s uncensored. Even if you’re not doing porn or ai girlfriend stuff you still want it to be uncensored or else it will be as disloyal as chat gpt (I shouldn’t ever have to argue with my bot to convince it do what I ask) Note that uncensored and nsfw are 2 different thing so if you actually want an ai girlfriend or a shitpost generator, it needs to be both uncensored and nsfw.

Same story with image generation ai. Use easy diffusion for self hosting and download whatever models you want, nsfw or otherwise from civitai.

Don’t bother with online ai services, they are trash.


Android ftp apps never work. It’s also a huge pain and borderline impossible on some distros to get mtp over usb cable to work and even when it does work it barely works. Most phones don’t have an sdcard slot so you can’t go that route either. And I’m definitely not using Google drive because they’ve on purpose tried to make it impossible to go any route other than that and fuck Google.

My solution? I made a php page with a file upload so I have to upload my files via php. It’s the only way. It’s still easier than using the USB cable if it actually worked though. Luckily there’s no way Google will ever find a way to patch this out.

Transferring files to the phone involves using the same upload button just from a pc and then I download them from the “view uploaded files” button which is a page that autogenerates download links to a page.


Wait for the day where they decide cum is children just so they can criminalize everything besides penis into vagina sex.


I once got dogpiled in r/lsd of all places for saying employers shouldn’t be allowed to drug test for thc. I got swarmed for “being a druggie” in a sub about lsd.

I quit reddit for good not too long after that. What a fucking shithole.


Makes sense. Ever wondered why there are enough nukes to destroy multiple planets? Ever wondered why the US military is large enough to defeat God? The military industrial complex is about to go interstellar. We’re in a cold war right now on an intergalactic scale. World War 3 is going to be cancelled and we will instead get Galaxy War 1.


Try doing it on a b650 motherboard that’s so new the windows installer doesn’t even have the correct ahci drivers
