Not ideal solution, but I’m so happy that something is being done. I think people who don’t live in West Coast realize how much homeless people victimize working poor. That’s me and my family. Rich people don’t care that my wife can’t take the Max to work for fear of being attacked. They’ll just drive wherever they need to. My city just posted allowed camping map and guess what? It’s all around apartments because it’s close to transit. I’ve voted Democrats since I lived in this country, but they have been in charge of Oregon for ages and solved nothing.
I am a person who is victimized by homeless. If I had an instrument that gives every homeless a home, I’d use it, but I don’t have one. It’s not my job to create one either. It’s the government’s job. Now I’m given another instrument that allows me to move the problem somewhere else. I don’t care where it moves - it’s not my job to setup this system. I can only choose between my family’s safety vs some rando safety. I will ALWAYS choose the former. It’s not cruelty on my part - it’s just logic. People making these pro-homeless comments fall into 2 categories : 1. Not personally affected because they don’t live here or are rich 2. Have high tolerance of danger like those people climbing mountain without rope. I’m not one of those people so any instrument to deal with my immediate problem is welcomed.
Well why don’t all the blue states band together and make it happen? In fact why haven’t they done it in the last 40 years or so? What’s going on? What are they waiting for? They have power and money to make it happen. They supposedly even have political will? It’s almost like it’s all talk and nobody wants to do it
So you reap the benefit of living in town that’s presumably not overrun with visible homeless, but you seem fit to give advice to blue towns where I can’t take my son to the park because of naked hobos running after us. That’s not random example. This shit happens all the time.
You’re the child who doesn’t have to deal with homeless every day. You make your make-believe world where this decades long conversation somehow solves the problem. Meanwhile we’re overrun with then and just want peace. My family is not rich we can’t afford to move, we can’t afford private back yard. But we had to afford car because riding the Max after the second shift is too dangerous for my wife. What is your solution? Pay for everyone housing? Well then implement it. I beg you to do it. Why don’t you?
Lol. Let me break it down for you since you apparently missed your math and logic classes. This article says that it costs 10k to house a hobo vs 30k to criminalize one. Blue and red states are about evenly split, so on average let’s assume they have equal number of hobos. So even if all the hobos move to blue states, it will take 10k x 2 x OriginalNumberOfHobos which is still less that 30k x OriginalNumberOfHobos. So why are you denying this solution? Why are you cruel to poor homeless people? Not to mention that if it’s successfully implemented, then red states will undoubtedly join in to save money
Personal attack much? We have our reasons for living where we live. None of them is your business, but you really shouldn’t be attacking me. I’m the victim here. I lived here long before hobo overrun. Why should I move? Why can’t they move? Surely it’s easier without any possessions. Am I less human then they are?