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Sometimes it feels technology may doom us all in the end. We’ve got a rough patch in society starting now, now that liars and cheats can be more convincingly backed up, and honest folk hidden behind credible doubt that they are the liars.

AI isn’t just on the path to make convincing lies, it’s on the path to ensuring that all truth can be doubted as well. At which point, there is no such thing as truth until we learn yet a new way to tell the difference.

“They don’t need to convince us what they are saying, the lies, are true. Just that there is no truth, and you cannot believe anything you are told.”


Worse than that, the slot they left is also locked out for a year. Although you can return to your previous spot freely, so break up and make up is fine.

I get why, if it were too flexible publishers would fear sales loss and opt out en masse but still feels rather long.


One thing I can think of is an overzealous corporate security solution blocking or holding back your email purely for having an attachment, or because it misunderstands/presumes the cipher-looking text file to be an attempt to bypass filtering.

Other than that might be curious questions from curious receivers of the key/file they may not understand, and will not be expecting. (“What’s this for? Is this part of the contract documents? Oh well, I’ll forward it to the client anyway”)

Other than that it’s a public key, go for it. Hard (for me anyway) to decide to post them to public keychains when the bot-nets read them for spam, so this might be the next best thing?


Are you installing needed libraries?

For example, the installer runs because it doesn’t need any, but then your app needs say VCRedist 2010, and so won’t until run until you add the vcrun2010 extra library with Winetricks or the menu in Bottles.


The way I understand it, I think the real issue here is that Proton Drive should clear the sync state or identity when uninstalled. The identification of the PC should be unique to each install, so that when you reinstall it later it understands that it is now a “new” system needing to be reworked from scratch, and that the empty folder is awaiting initial download, not mass cloud deletion. Would that lead to multiple copies in the “Computers” backup section? Sure, but that can be a good thing too, or at least better than wiping the drive, and more easily remedied.


I wonder if Proton could shave off some work hours by just putting the API team in contact with the RClone backend developer, or by contributing to it.

I get the feeling even if Proton released a drive app for Linux, all but the most casual users will just be waiting for when RClone learns from it and improves.


What happens next? A wave of even worse disregard for things.

After all, if we can bring back the mammoth, who cares if we off <insert species here>, they’ll just bring it back next rotation. /s


Sure does! Especially after you buy extra RAM, a faster CPU, and an AI accelerator so CoPilotana can learn all about you and play them for you! /s

But seriously, a lot of it can be disabled with some initial tweaking and use of the policy editor, or one of those ShutUp tools to do it for you. After you trim it all out it’s usually fine, with the bonus of games not requiring obscure tweaks and usually just working.

At the end of the day that’s what keeps people coming back or never leaving. The games are built for windows, run easily on windows, and the devs will support if it does not.

For Linux you must learn something new, make continuous effort to tweak and correct issues, and find interactive support only on obscure Discords or Reddit because there aren’t even any good forums anymore.

This is just about the games mind. Next we get into the accessory market, with the Windows based related softwares….


I enjoy it, but I feel like it’s something they could do more with and don’t.

Maybe one day they’ll find other ways to sneak it into new content, like the Necramech. That was also interesting but underwhelmingly supported, and now they try to squeeze it into places to make it relevant. But it still feels like it needs….more.

Oh, and who remembers Fish Team? I don’t even know if that feature got added, I avoid the Lich stuff.
